Sunday, May 29, 2011

From Pain to Gain

I have been working with a personal trainer for about 3 weeks now and I can feel myself getting stronger as the weeks go by. I can feel my core getting stronger, my abs tighter, my arms more defined but it has come by some pain. There have been times I've walked into my training sessions and my trainer has had me do kicks and punches until I thought my arms and legs would give out. But then immediately afterwards she'll have me hold the punching bag while someone else punches and kicks it and you'd think this would be a great time to rest while someone else it feeling the pain but no, holding the bag while someone uses all their force to kick or punch is hard because your body is absorbing a lot of those hits and you've gotta engage your core and muscles to deflect that force back. There's one girl in particular who punches and kicks exponentially harder than all of the other girls and usually nobody wants to hold the bag for her cause you gotta be strong to take the force of her hits but my trainer explained to us that those are the people you wanna hold the bag for cause it makes you stronger.

In life sometimes we go through "hits" that make us stronger. We go through a break-up, the loss of a dream, the loss of a family member or friend, the loss of a promotion or job, sickness/disease, etc. Life has a way of handing us hurts, pains, letdowns but at the same time its those circumstances and situations that make you stronger. God has the ability to always no matter what, turn all things around for your good. Every single situation. Yes at first it might not make any sense, especially while that pain is raw and fresh but after some time has passed we see the why behind that situation.

My really good friend Chris and I have this saying that we use all the time, "it is what it is". When something happens that is outside of our control we always say that and just let it go and move on. It has helped me to not stress about situations, to not take things personal, to see that in the end the way things turned out was most likely for my good.

I love this scripture in Micah 4:13
On your feet, Daughter of Zion! Be threshed of chaff, be refined of dross. I'm remaking you into a people invincible.

When life get's you down, when you want to wallow in self-pity think upon these words, this declaration. On your feet! God is and will always tell you to get up, shake off the pain, the rejection, the disillusionment and gain from your pain because He is making you invincible. He is using this situation to make you stronger.

Now just to clarify stronger doesn't mean you put a wall up and don't open yourself up to let life happen, it doesn't mean shutting off your emotions and making yourself numb so you don't ever get "hurt" again. To be made stronger is actually the opposite, to become humble before God and allow Him to lift you up, give you renewed hope, accept the promise that He has a greater plan for you than what you had thought initially. But don't ever shut down. You were created with a heart that has emotions, that feels things so deeply for a reason. And don't allow anger to stay in your heart.

A situation occurred in my life recently that caused my heart some hurt. I took a risk on love. And it didn't work out how I had planned. But honestly, I don't regret it at all. I gave it my all, I loved completely and wholly and if that wasn't enough then that's okay. That's the thing about risk, you can jump in to something fully and it's still a 50/50 chance. But in my risk and my pain I gained so much. It made me stronger, it showed me that I am truly living in the now, that I am capable of love, that I am willing to take risks and not live so safe that I don't live life, it taught me that God has a plan that goes beyond my wildest dreams.

Circumstances don't define you.

On your feet son or daughter of God! He is making you invincible.

Rooting for you,
