Society has 2 descriptors for most people, single or in a relationship. It comes up in conversations, it's a status on Facebook, there's websites where their sole purpose is to get you from single to in a relationship. Society likes to use labels. But your identity, who you are is not described by single or in a relationship. Single is mindset that insinuates that the person must have a void that needs to be filled. Like the person is not whole or something.
However, have you noticed that in the bible God uses so many words to describe you and I as his sons and daughters yet single is not a word he uses. He calls us chosen, loved, valued, conquerors,treasured,etc. Yet He never calls us single. Why? Because the word single was never created to be a part of your identity.
Single implies the you are alone or that you have to do things on your own. And that is not true. Jesus died so that we could be in relationship with Him.
So many of us, myself included have gone along with what society says and felt like you were less than because you were "single". God is with you always, He never leaves you nor forsakes you. He is the creator of relationships, He created you and I to be in relationship with Him because He loves us.
Society says you are single until you get in a relationship however you are just you, exactly the way God made you and that flows out of your relationship with Christ and your future spouse is the same. You're not going about doing life alone and then bam now you're in a relationship and all of a sudden now your not alone. No, Jesus is always will be with you and when you do come into relationship with your spouse here on earth it's not two empty people with a void that are now together. It's two people that are living out their lives in relationship with the Father and now they're doing that side by side together.
Who you are is never and will never be defined as single. You are chosen, loved, treasured, valued, called, courageous, able, victorious. You are called this and so much more by the lover of your soul, Jesus. Remove the old mindset and embrace what God has to say about you.