Today I fell in love. Today my heart was awakened to a love that I had been longing for, a love that gives you butterflies in your stomach, that makes you smile so big, that makes you giggle in excitement and overwhelming joy. Today my whole world became a whole lot brighter....because of Love.
Today I felt girly, I felt adored, I felt chosen, I felt like I was your favorite. Today was the start of a beautiful new realtionship, a relationship that will never be taken away, a relationship that I was always meant to have, that has been in my heart forever...I was just asleep to it.
It's funny how when your in love everything is so much better. It's as if all your senses are that much more heightened, you feel deeper things, you love others more, you have greater compassion, you laugh harder, you smile...all the time, you feel like your floating on a cloud, like nothing could ever go wrong.
I loved geeking out with you today. I loved worshipping you today for who you are, for being mine, and for chosing me to be yours. I love our inside jokes, I love how even though everyone else was worshipping you, you only had eyes for me. You made me feel like I was the only one in the room. I adore you Jesus. I love being yours.
You chose me, you love me, you romance me, you make me laugh so hard, you get me, you surprise me, you never leave me, you encourage me, your what I've always wanted and yet thought I could only get in a human.
This next year of my life is yours and only yours. My status is...in a relationship :) I love you.
Michelle Nicole
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