This year I turned 27. Another year closer to 30 and to be honest I like it. It's crazy how it feels like a literal light switch just flipped on in my head, I've been thinking more about saving money to purchase a house or a condo in the next 2 years. I've come to realize that for a long time I thought like a child. I hardly ever wanted to take responsibility for my actions. But as I grow older I've come to the conclusion that I am responsible for my actions.
1 Corinthians 13:11, "When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things."
I'm not perfect, I still have my moments. Like this past week for example, I managed to overdraft my account 3 times in one day, which ended up costing me $84.00 in fee's alone. Ugh! My friend's suggested I call the bank and demand to have the fee's taken off and in the past I might have, I might have thrown a fit, I might have yelled just long enough to have them cave and remove the fee's but honestly it was my fault. So I paid the fee's and sucked it up. You live and you learn. And guess what I will be doing a lot more of now, checking my account balance, knowing how much money I have in the bank before making purchases.

Life does that to us. A life well lived, is a life full of amazing experiences, lessons learned and lives impacted. It's as if though my teens and early twenties were where I made all my bad decisions and now the amazing pay-off is I've learned some great life lessons. I've made lemonade out of my lemons :)
Life is too short.
James 4:14, "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."
My friend Becca wrote me this concerning getting closer to turning 30 and I couldn't agree more. She said:
I think now is the time when you start looking at yourself with so much more respect based on all the things you’ve done and all the wonderful people in your life. In our 20’s we’re just starting to have those life experiences that actually teach us what kind of people we want to be.
She literally took the words right out of my heart.
Please help me and guide me to live my life as a life that I can look back on years from now and say that my life was a life well lived. I want to love others with passion, I want to love myself with even more passion, and I want to be so consumed with You that I never live a second with regret. That I never look back and wish I had done more. I want to spend myself everyday being you here on this earth. Please help me to be responsible, to see the lesson in each mistake made and to be a better person for it. In this life I know that I will have trouble but help me to see the good in it all. To realize that in every storm there always comes sunshine afterwards. Thank you for never letting go of my hand on this great adventure I call life :) I love you!
Michelle Nicole
1 Corinthians 13:11, "When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things."
I'm not perfect, I still have my moments. Like this past week for example, I managed to overdraft my account 3 times in one day, which ended up costing me $84.00 in fee's alone. Ugh! My friend's suggested I call the bank and demand to have the fee's taken off and in the past I might have, I might have thrown a fit, I might have yelled just long enough to have them cave and remove the fee's but honestly it was my fault. So I paid the fee's and sucked it up. You live and you learn. And guess what I will be doing a lot more of now, checking my account balance, knowing how much money I have in the bank before making purchases.

Life does that to us. A life well lived, is a life full of amazing experiences, lessons learned and lives impacted. It's as if though my teens and early twenties were where I made all my bad decisions and now the amazing pay-off is I've learned some great life lessons. I've made lemonade out of my lemons :)
Life is too short.
James 4:14, "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."
My friend Becca wrote me this concerning getting closer to turning 30 and I couldn't agree more. She said:
I think now is the time when you start looking at yourself with so much more respect based on all the things you’ve done and all the wonderful people in your life. In our 20’s we’re just starting to have those life experiences that actually teach us what kind of people we want to be.
She literally took the words right out of my heart.
Please help me and guide me to live my life as a life that I can look back on years from now and say that my life was a life well lived. I want to love others with passion, I want to love myself with even more passion, and I want to be so consumed with You that I never live a second with regret. That I never look back and wish I had done more. I want to spend myself everyday being you here on this earth. Please help me to be responsible, to see the lesson in each mistake made and to be a better person for it. In this life I know that I will have trouble but help me to see the good in it all. To realize that in every storm there always comes sunshine afterwards. Thank you for never letting go of my hand on this great adventure I call life :) I love you!
Michelle Nicole
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