Strength is given for service, not to convey status - Romans 15:2
What if we knew that our strength was to serve the weak, fearful, or timid? - Lisa Bevere, from the book Lioness Arising
Within you, within me there is a leader. God has called us to live to our full potential, to be leaders but our society has somewhat distorted what leadership means. Leadership isn't telling other people what to do, it isn't about using your power to hold others down, it's about drawing the gifts, talents and abilities out of people, helping them, serving them to reach their greatest potential. It's more about others than it is about you. It's about honoring those who God has entrusted you to.
Don't imagine us leaders to be something we are not. We are servants of Christ, not his masters. We are guides into God's most sublime secrets, not security guards posted to protect them. - 1 Corinthians 4:1-2
I have hopes, I have dreams of one day having a leadership school. Of raising up a generation to be His hands, His feet. But how do I get from here to there? What has God put in my hands now to do? How can you?
1. Be Humble - This opportunity to lead is not because of anything that you have done, it has nothing to do with you and your abilities but everything to do with God. He has entrusted you with His precious son or daughter, for you to be an extension of Him. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding - Proverbs 3:5
There have been times when I have got stuck on this part. Where I have thought, God this is too much, I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to lead. I have my own issues, how am I going to lead someone else? Only to then remember, I haven't been given this opportunity because of my amazing skills but because God wants to reach those whom He has entrusted to me. And it's in those times when I have said, God I don't know how to do this but I yield to you, my life is not my own, give me the words to say, use me, not my will but yours be done that He has been most glorified.
2. Show Honor - Respect, cover, shield, protect. These are all words that show honor. As a leader you are to draw out those things in people that they are too afraid to show. You might meet someone who has aspirations to be a public speaker and when you meet them they might be the shyest person you've ever met. Or maybe they talk in circles, or maybe they stutter due to a lack of confidence. As a leader, my role wouldn't be to mock him or her, or to tear them down, or speak lack into their life but to draw out those gift and talents within them. To encourage, to speak faith and confidence, to be there when that person wants feedback, to listen, to be their cheerleader. Everyone is fighting some sort of battle, as a leader your role is to shield just as much as you encourage. Don't ever speak ill of someone behind their back. Be someone who is trustworthy, who doesn't slander others weakness'.
3. Serve - Serving can mean a plethora of things, it can mean being reliable, being consistent, anticipating the needs of someone else, making a way for others, opening the door, equipping, mentoring, etc. It's doing all you can to lighten the burden for someone else. Meeting their needs without them even having to ask for it.
There have been times in the past when I have been serving at my church and my role has been to anticipate the needs of my pastor. Is this the 4th message he has preached today? He's probably tired, let me make sure that everything runs smoothly so he doesn't have to worry about sound, or lighting, or anything that way all he has to do is focus on delivering his message. His throat is probably dry, let me make sure he has water on the stage. As soon as he comes off the stage, let me have all his stuff gathered that way he doesn't have to worry about it. When you serve others, it's thinking about the other person more than yourself, it's anticipating their needs, it's doing everything you can to make sure they succeed.
4. Listen - Listen not only with your ears but with your heart. It's knowing the difference in their demeanor, noticing when someone looks frazzled or stressed even though if you ask them how they're doing they might say, "I'm doing great". With my best friends I know when something is wrong, usually without them even having to say anything. It's those moments when God puts someone on your heart and you pick up the phone and call them or text them to see how they're doing.
I remember when I used to do youth ministry, I would listen to my girls pour their hearts out about this issue or that issue. But at the same time I would be having an inner dialogue with God, asking Him what's the deeper issue here, what's really going on. It's asking those questions that make the person dig further to get at the root of the issue.
5. Love - Steps 1-4 are all actions that can become draining, can become a chore to do and can wear on your nerves if you don't have love. Without love, this is honestly all useless. There's that quote that says, people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
"....serve one another humbly in love." - Galatians 5:13
But when you have love for those around you, it becomes so much easier to honor, serve and listen to them. I didn't say it's easy but it is easier. Be genuine in your words and actions. Be faithful.
6. Pray - Pray for your friends, for your co-workers, for your students, for you family, for the Starbucks barista that remembers your drink order before you order it, and pray for yourself. You have been given this opportunity because God wants to see all His creation set free and living their life to the fullest and He is going to start that ripple effect through you.
There have been too many times in my life when I have held back, where I have been to afraid to stand up and be the leader He has called me to be because I was afraid to fail. But I know it's not about me, and it's surely not about my abilities, but it's about doing all I can do and then allowing Him to make up for the difference to help others live their life to the fullest!
God help me to be a better leader, to be humble, to show honor, to serve, to love genuinely and to pray faithfully.
Your lives aren't small, but you are living them in a small up your lives. Live openly and expansively! - 2 Corinthians 6:11-13