Recently, I read two articles about infidelity within marriage and how you restored both relationships. I read one where the husband had cheated and I read one where the wife had cheated and in both there You were, leading them back to You, restoring them. I can never even begin to imagine what that must be like but I do understand restoration.
Restoration defined is restitution of something taken away or lost. But that's not the God that you are, you don't just restore something back to it's original status you restore to better than it's original status. With Bathsheba, she was an adultress, because of her actions her husband was killed, she had an illegitimate child and yet You restored her. Not only did You forgive her, but You made her a woman of honor, who raised her children to love You. You made her son, specifically her son over all the other wives' sons King. You restored her and placed her in the lineage of Christ. Her life after You restored her was far better than her original condition.
Both couples that I read about that suffered infidelity, You restored their marriages to better than before. You made them stronger, more passionate, and able to help others because of it. Jesus, You aren't the one who brings these horrible circumstance, no we definitely bring them on ourselves, but You do in fact turn them all around for the good.
Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose"
Jesus, thank You that you have already begun to restore parts of my life that were so beyond jacked. You are making all things new. I remember You telling me that You were going to make all things new but at the time I didn't really know how. I even tried to do it in my own strength but obviously failed miserably. But it was when I surrendered to You, that You in turn began to restore me, restore parts of my life that honestly I begun to feel were hopeless. You have turned anger into love, confusion and frustration into peace, indifference into compassion, and doubt and fear into hope. You have indeed turned everything around.
But that's not it, I want restoration in all area's of my life. I want restoration in my relationship with my dad. God, I want to have my dad in my life, I want him to show me his love, to be an active part of my life, daily. I know that You are going to save my dad and I will spend eternity in Heaven, but I also know that You are more than able to restore our relationship while we're here on earth too. Jesus, Your word says that we have not because we ask not. Well, I am asking for restoration with my dad.
Jesus, restore to me the dreams that I let go of, that I walked away from. Ignite that passion in my heart again. Restore the desires that You placed in my heart. Human trafficking is something that grieves my heart so much, innocent lives being tortured is NOT okay. Jesus, I pray restoration for the victims of these horrible acts of violence. I have read that sometimes when these girls are rescued that it takes a lot of counseling to completely set their minds free from that slave mentality. Jesus, I pray that You would restore them...NOW. That everywhere in the world where a person has been rescued from this crime that You would restore them. Everything that the enemy stole from them, their innocence, their joy, their freedom, their entire lives, that you would restore them. I pray that those who are still enslaved, that You would send people, send me to rescue them. God, it's not okay what's happening to these children, it not okay. And while I write this, I am stirred, I am grieved and angered that someone could do that to another human. God I don't know how and I don't know what to do but I want to help.
You just answered my prayer, Jesus. I began the last paragraph asking You to restore dreams and re-ignite passion in my heart for the things that stir You and I finished the paragraph in tears for victims of human trafficking. Jesus, thank you. Thank you for restoring me. I don't consider myself to have arrived and to be perfect, but I know that You are causing a change and it's already begun. Thank you. Thank You that You are a God who takes the broken things and gives them value. You take the low and lift them high. You save.
I love you Jesus. And I am new :)
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