Isaiah 60: 1-2 "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you."
Arise: get up, come into being, move upward. Arise from your day to day life, arise from the routine-ness of life, arise out of the things that weigh you down, arise from the stress, arise from the worry, arise from your doubt. Arise! There are so many things in this world that will try and get us down, that will try and steal our focus, our energy and get us distracted. As the scripture says, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, arise from self, from your own world and let His glory shine through you. As I read this I felt the Lord saying, get out of your world and into mine, let me shine through you to remove the darkness in the lives of those around you.
As of late I have grown to literally hate mindless chatter. The surface level conversations bore me and seriously annoy me. My desire is to know my friends better, to know their hearts, their desires, their dreams, their hurts. I could care less about the surface level things. I want to get in their world. I want to shine His light in their world. And I will admit I don't always do a great job of shining His light but I try my hardest to chip away at the surface level junk and get to the heart. I love hearing about my friends dreams, it inspires me and shows me how to encourage them, how to pray for them. Because all the people that come into my life are seriously amazing in their own way. And they have passions that the Lord has put in them that for one reason or another at times has been either put out by others or seriously tamed by the world. But Jesus put these dreams, desires, passions in our lives for a reason. We are to shine His light into the world. Shine literally means to be bright, to reflect light, to glow, to be distinguished.
When I ask my friends what their dreams are, what their passions are, they literally light up. Their whole expression changes, they get so excited, they smile, it's crazy but they really do SHINE.
You were created to shine. Jesus, created us all for a purpose, to remove the darkness and shine His light. And you were created to do that by just being you. Whatever your dreams are, do it! Reach them. He put them in there for a reason, because you will ROCK at them.
Arise: get up, come into being, move upward. Arise from your day to day life, arise from the routine-ness of life, arise out of the things that weigh you down, arise from the stress, arise from the worry, arise from your doubt. Arise! There are so many things in this world that will try and get us down, that will try and steal our focus, our energy and get us distracted. As the scripture says, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, arise from self, from your own world and let His glory shine through you. As I read this I felt the Lord saying, get out of your world and into mine, let me shine through you to remove the darkness in the lives of those around you.
As of late I have grown to literally hate mindless chatter. The surface level conversations bore me and seriously annoy me. My desire is to know my friends better, to know their hearts, their desires, their dreams, their hurts. I could care less about the surface level things. I want to get in their world. I want to shine His light in their world. And I will admit I don't always do a great job of shining His light but I try my hardest to chip away at the surface level junk and get to the heart. I love hearing about my friends dreams, it inspires me and shows me how to encourage them, how to pray for them. Because all the people that come into my life are seriously amazing in their own way. And they have passions that the Lord has put in them that for one reason or another at times has been either put out by others or seriously tamed by the world. But Jesus put these dreams, desires, passions in our lives for a reason. We are to shine His light into the world. Shine literally means to be bright, to reflect light, to glow, to be distinguished.
When I ask my friends what their dreams are, what their passions are, they literally light up. Their whole expression changes, they get so excited, they smile, it's crazy but they really do SHINE.
You were created to shine. Jesus, created us all for a purpose, to remove the darkness and shine His light. And you were created to do that by just being you. Whatever your dreams are, do it! Reach them. He put them in there for a reason, because you will ROCK at them.
Arise, dust off the heaviness of this world, and shine His light!
Rooting for you,
Michelle Nicole
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