You are my creator, you designed me, you understand me, you see the areas of lack in me, and you know how to mold me and shape me to perfection. You know when to say no in certain seasons to cause me to grow. You know when to say yes and push me to do things that I would have never thought I could do. You know when to prune me, when to remove people from my life and then when to bring others into my life. You know when I need a break and when I'm ready for the next level. You know me. And you know me better than I know myself.
During this season I am open. My desire is to grow. To be prepared for what you have in store ahead. One area where I need your help is communication. Show me when to speak, how to speak, give me courage. Teach me. Lord, I would also like a mentor. A woman that has walked the path that you have me on, a woman that can encourage me, that will push me and that will pray for me. Lord, I know you have put this desire in my heart for a reason because you have more for me, but that requires greater preparation and closer walk with you.
Lord I want to be like the five virgins in the bible who had the oil, who were prepared for the bridegroom. Not like the five foolish virgins who didn't have oil and were therefore shut out of the wedding banquet.
Matthew 25:10 "But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut."
I want to be prepared for the plan you have for my life. Fine tune me Lord. I need you.
Water my thirsty soul. Refresh me. Clean my heart.
When I begin to boast because I'm not where I used to be, remind me of the journey, remind me that my path still lies ahead. I have not arrived at the end destination yet, this is only the beginning.
My husband lies ahead, my babies lie ahead, souls to be reached lie ahead, rescued trafficked victims lie ahead, women that I will encourage lie ahead. Help me to not veer off the path but to reach those whom you have in store for me to do life with.
I love you Jesus. And I love the journey, the view is great from here.

Michelle Nicole
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