Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Positioned for a purpose

I have worked for my company for about 2 and half years and in that time I have had the pleasure to work alongside Amy. Amy and I share an office, she sits about 5 feet away from me and seriously has rocked my world. Every time she takes a PTO day, I miss her dearly, she is one of the most humble, serving, loving people I know and there is absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for her. If you met her you'd know that she talks at only one speed, incredibly fast, she can never answer a question with just yes or no, she loves to talk, she has the ability to make you feel comfortable in an instant, she has the funniest laugh, she has very poor taste in movies (she likes spoof movies), she's pocket-sized and her favorite phrase is, "what can I do to help". She is a gem and I adore her.

But tonight while preparing for my bible study I realized something new about my job. See, my role at work is human resources. I have absolutely no prior work experience doing human resources. My degree is in marketing/advertising. And 99% of the time I have no idea what I'm doing. I am solely responsible for my entire companies' payroll, health/medical benefits, new hire orientation, security clearance processing and 401K. Oh and did I mention I have no experience in any of this. There are so many times that I sit at my desk and question God, "Jesus, how in the world did I get here?", "How in the world do I do this or that?", "Are you sure I can do this?". I have had the privilege to go to fancy restaurants, amazing conference centers, presentations at some of the most luxurious country clubs all on other people's dime because of my position. And usually I'm the youngest person in the room by like 20 years, it's insane. And every time it reminds me that God hand-picked me for this specific job for a purpose.

For a while I'm not gonna lie, I was like God, okay what am I supposed to learn here. Obviously you brought me here for a reason. Is it to learn about payroll? Or to learn how to do benefits? Or how to deal with employee relations? And tonight I realized's for Amy.

Matthew 5:16 "In the same way, let your light shine before me, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."

Amy doesn't know Jesus but she know that I do. She knows that I go to church. She knows that I serve at my church but honestly that's about it. I will admit I haven't done a great job of showing her Jesus, of showing the goodness of God in my life. I have allowed myself to get so focused on the job, on the tasks set before me that there are times I hardly say a word to her, or get in her world. It's like I mentioned in my post before, without a vision, the people perish. I hadn't seen my job in terms of the bigger picture, the greater purpose and that is to bring Amy to know Jesus. It's not to have her come to my church or even to say she's a christian. But for her to know the goodness of God, for her to feel the love of Jesus, for her to know that she is loved, that she is never alone. For her to feel blessed by Jesus. And God has placed me at my company to serve as a conduit to show his love towards her.

This has literally opened my eyes. It has changed the way I view my job. It has caused me to want to make some changes. I am human and when I don't have enough sleep I can be really quiet, introverted, and closed off. Not cause I'm mad or anything but because I'm exhausted and just want to be left alone. And if I'm honest I have been exhausted for a few months now. So I will be going to sleep earlier, I want to be fully present at work, I want to be awake and energized to engage with Amy throughout the day, to be able to not only do my job but help relieve the burden from her at times, to surprise her with lunch, to serve her, to do life with her, to laugh, to talk, to share our world. I have been positioned at a job that I am not qualified for but that I have been chosen for to reach God's daughter, to reach His precious baby, to reach the love of His life, to speak encouragement when the world tries to beat her down, to take the weight off her shoulders when she can't go any further. I am positioned for a purpose.

Jesus, I am here, I am willing, use me. Take control of my schedule, take control of my emotions, give me rest, give me joy and show me daily how to love your daughter to you.

Do you know why you are at your job? Have you been positioned for a purpose? I bet you have, ask Jesus who you are to bless.
Rooting for you always.
Michelle Nicole

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