Michelle Nicole
Claudio Freidzon
Psalm 23
Matthew 22:37-40
Colossians 3:23-24
Do not despise the small beginnings; get excited about the word the Lord has said over you, even if with your eyes you don't see it yet.
Prepare yourself because something great is coming to your life.
God wants to stir up revival in your heart. And that fire, ministry, strength, dream will be revived.
1. Lose the purpose and the reason for being a christian.
-Losing the purpose for your life. God has saved you and he has a plan, destiny and reason for you to live.
-The purpose is to worship Jesus, spend time with Him.
-You have been chosen and called. God has a plan.
-He who began a good work in you will perfect it and bring it through to completion.
-Do not forget what God spoke to you when He saved you.
-When the enemy tries to stop you with lies, remind him that God has a plan and purpose for your life.
2. Talent/Gifts not taken advantage of; not using the gift God has given you.
-Use the gift God has given you.
-Live your life differently, let people see the change God has done in your life.
-Wherever you go the glory of God inhabits.
3. Bad management of your time. Not giving God time.
-Give God praise and thanks in all things at all time.
-Do not lose sight of the things of God, of spending time with God (praying, fellowship, serving, communion)
4. Sins that have not been confessed.
-Do not ignore problems/issues, bring them before God.
5. Living a solitary life. Moving away from counsel.
-Surround yourself with those who will lift you up when you begin to fall down.
6. Conflict that has not been resolved. (ex. Jealousy, resentment)
-Resentment undealt with will result in bitterness.
-Testify to those around you of what God has done in your life.
-Don't speak ill of others.
-Talk about Jesus.
7. When you become lukewarm
-Return to your first love
-Love the Lord you God with all your heart
-When someone does you wrong, they didn't do it to you , they did it to Him. Give it to Him, give Him your pain and failure. Let him take revenge. You serve those who have done you wrong.
Psalm 132:13
You were made to worship, you will worship something or someone, you choose.
God will take you out of your comfort zone, take you out of your set mindset to do something new.
God will tell you what you're gonna do, what he's gonna do through you, but we create our own plan as to how to reach it. But God has his own plans and only his plans please him.
God sometimes will call you to do "crazy" things but when you are obedient his glory will come down.
The supernatural world and the natural world run parallel. The way you treat your mate is the way you treat your God. For example, do you do stuff only to get something from your mate? You probably treat God the same way.
Worship is meant to pull a sound out of you in worship/praise to God from your spirit.
Get your body and soul in line with your spirit, the spirit of God. You body is a slave to the spirit God has put inside of you.
Remember the goodness of God, remember the great things God has done in your life to get happy when you don't feel like it.
Isaiah 61
What is ministry or "to minister"?
-It is not leading worship, it is not being an usher, etc.
-It is what Isaiah 61 says: You are to lift up the brokenhearted, set the captives free, following what the spirit of the Lord says.
-When ministering, remember the tone in which you speak to those around you. Speak in a tone that will heal their hurts, in a tone that will comfort.
-You ministry is the not the same as your function.
3 Things that can encourage you
1. Have confidence in the work God is doing in your life.
-If you look at your condition today you might disqualify yourself even though God hasn't disqualified you.
-But if you hold on to the words and promises of God they begin to resonate in your spirit, then it ministers all the way deep down inside of you
-Do not let go of His promises.
-A good memory is important for your spirit in your life.
-Psalm 103:3-5 quote it to encourage you when you start to feel down.
-He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion.
-Inside of you are songs of healing. Other people are dying to hear them and if you don't sing it they will die. You telling your story ministers to others.
2. Make yourself available to be used by God
-Although we can't help we can position ourselves to be used by God to reach/heal others.
-Psalm 23
-The confidence needed to minister by the power of the holy spirit comes from the experience you've had with the Lord. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Because you can't take people where you haven't already been.
-Never succumb to the negative news you hear, God has good news.
3. God gives you the correct medicine
-He fills you with what you are lacking.
-The times of frustration are not to kill your dream but to make your feet firm on God's foundation.
-If you are single, be obedient to God, grab hold of Him and see that the best is yet to come. He has the best for you.
2 Kings 4:8-37
-Make your heart a place of God's dwelling. Welcome the Holy Spirit into your life, into your heart everyday.
Colossians 4:14-15
Philemon 1:24
2 Timothy 4:10
-Demas: literally means, "he that can lead, govern others"
-Demas started well but ended bad.
2 Conclusions as to why Demas did not end well
1. A good start does not guarantee a good finish.
-Don't let life get in the way of finishing well, of having a passion for God.
-Your heavenly father will come in when you start to feel weak so that you can finish the race.
-It doesn't matter what happened yesterday because God makes all things new.
2. Lost having a purpose, stopped having a dream
-Protect the dream/gift that God has given you.
-Lift up the hands of those who are losing the battle and give them words of encouragement, they will not stop the race of life halfway.
-Do not get stuck in your sin, ask God to help you, ask those around you for help.
Luke 5:17-18, 20-26
-You can be under the anointing to do something but not actually use it. (Jesus in this story had the power to heal but wasn't healing.)
-You might be anointed to do something but you need to ask God how to administer it, how to use it, when to use it.
-Learn to see what others don't see. Do not trust your earthly vision but your supernatural vision. Follow God not your emotions. Do not assume things about other people.
-God is faithful, He answers our cries but He does it on His timing. But He always answers.
-You can't quit halfway through a trial, you have to stay to see the miracle happen.
-How many times do you think God has allowed trials to come to your life to increase your faith and you've thought it was the devil. He increases your faith because He only moves by your faith.
-If you're gonna be a woman of God you've gotta get over your prejudice of asking.
-When you are ministering you need to ask God for a sensitive heart towards the spirit.
-We must learn to see and then to say and then see what God does.
-There doesn't need to be music or emotion for the anointing to be there, there only has to be faith and the anointed will move according to the faith you have.
-When ministering, living your life in a way that will minister to others you have to balance your life w/the word and the power of God.
-You won't know your faithful until you are tested.
-God will bless you with money to see what you will do with it. What you do with it is what you'll do with God's power/anointing.
-He is testing to see your administration.
-God gives you a spouse to see how you treat them because that is how you will treat His bride, the church.
-The mind is used for thinking, but the heart is used for believing.
-To see if you are loyal and trustworthy of His presence, of His anointing He will see how you administer parts of your life (finances, your house, etc.) - do you buy everything you can or what you should.
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