Josh Lopez sang this song at my church this morning and it wrecked me.
God you are God even when I don't feel you
God you are God even when I don't see you
I will worship
I will worship
I will worship
You are my God
There are dreams and desires that I haven't seen come to pass yet. There are things that I have been praying for for a long time. And if I'm honest, I get frustrated with God sometimes. I get frustrated at myself. I get frustrated at the timeline. But even though I don't see change, even though I feel like I'm standing still when I want to be moving forward, I know that God is in control.
In our darkest hour we can quit. But if I quit, then I won't see the miracle. If I stop running my race I won't ever see the finish line. If I stop praying, if I stop believing, if I turn my back on God, if I give up, if I, if I, if I then I won't see Him and His beautiful plan.
Right now I'm in that valley time in some areas of my life. I'm in that time of waiting. My heart is bursting at the thought of all my dreams coming true. And what's hardest is waiting, when you've seen the greatness of God be done in others and in your life before. God has done some incredible things in my life. He rescued me from drug and alcohol addiction, he turned my life around when I was on a road towards destruction. He's done so much in my life and I know that I know that I know that He hasn't left me now.
So even though I don't see what you're doing God, I will wait upon you. But to be honest even if my dreams and desires don't come for a while....God is still God. I will continue to worship you, I will continue to sing your praise, I will seek you, I will love you, I won't give up.
My hope, my peace, my strength come in knowing that You are in control. Jesus, I rest in you.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A few days ago I was at lunch with a very dear friend of mine and I asked him a question, I said what would make you the happiest man in the world right now? And he said, you know what, for so long I ran around thinking I was invincible and that I could do whatever I wanted. I thought, I could be this unattached guy who lived life moment by moment, I could be this fun bachelor for life. Yet on the flip side of that be very selfish and take those around me for granted. But after going through some stuff he realized that what matters most to him and what would make him happy is to have that person in his life that would be his partner for life, that would enjoy the good and the bad in life alongside him. He talked about how much more he treasured those around him, his friends, his family.
Just a day before that I had been driving in my car and had overheard a radio announcer talking about relationships and how our desire to be in relationship with others is something that we are born with, it's not something that is taught. The radio announcer mentioned a study that had been done recently, where they had taken a baby that was 45 minutes old, hadn't even been born an hour and they had a person come up close to the baby and stick their tounge out at the baby. The baby then without hesitation mimicked the person and stuck his tounge out back. That immediate response from the baby backed up the study's conclusion that we as humans have a desire to be in relation with one another, we crave community.
Unfortunately though for many, they have the same mentality as my friend did. I know I did for a period in my life. We as humans need others, we need community, we need relationships in our lives. God made us the way he did for a reason. I am so incredibly indebted to the amazing circle of friends and family that I have. After going through some of the stuff I've gone through and seeing how much they have always had my back, and loved me through the good and the bad I know that I wouldn't be who I am without them.
We all need eachother. Take a look around you, stop everything you're doing and truly love them. Don't take them for granted. Yes it can sound so appealing at times to be the lone ranger, or to distance yourself away from people just enough to not get hurt but that's not a healthy way to live. Put the computer away, put the phone down, turn off the iPod and go love on those who God has blessed you with.
"Friends always show their love. What are brothers for if not to share troubles?"- Proverbs 17:17
Rooting for you!
Just a day before that I had been driving in my car and had overheard a radio announcer talking about relationships and how our desire to be in relationship with others is something that we are born with, it's not something that is taught. The radio announcer mentioned a study that had been done recently, where they had taken a baby that was 45 minutes old, hadn't even been born an hour and they had a person come up close to the baby and stick their tounge out at the baby. The baby then without hesitation mimicked the person and stuck his tounge out back. That immediate response from the baby backed up the study's conclusion that we as humans have a desire to be in relation with one another, we crave community.
Unfortunately though for many, they have the same mentality as my friend did. I know I did for a period in my life. We as humans need others, we need community, we need relationships in our lives. God made us the way he did for a reason. I am so incredibly indebted to the amazing circle of friends and family that I have. After going through some of the stuff I've gone through and seeing how much they have always had my back, and loved me through the good and the bad I know that I wouldn't be who I am without them.
We all need eachother. Take a look around you, stop everything you're doing and truly love them. Don't take them for granted. Yes it can sound so appealing at times to be the lone ranger, or to distance yourself away from people just enough to not get hurt but that's not a healthy way to live. Put the computer away, put the phone down, turn off the iPod and go love on those who God has blessed you with.
"Friends always show their love. What are brothers for if not to share troubles?"- Proverbs 17:17
Rooting for you!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Keep ya head up
"all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:16
Has life been crazy? Are you questioning yourself? Take a deep breath and exhale because it's all gonna be okay. We only have one life to live so don't let things get you down and don't get caught up in the craziness that is life sometimes.
Psalm 139:16 is posted up on my wall and it reminds me that even when I feel like I'm out of place or I'm wondering what about this or that it reminds me that Jesus knows what he's doing, he ordained all the days of my life. He is in control and he wrote an amazing story for my life and for yours. Pastor Earl said an amazing quote recently that said, God is always good, his plans are always good, His final word is always good, so if right now it's not good, it's not God's final word. I recieve that.
Everyday is such a great adventure. Yes I have my days when it feels like nothing is going right but it only takes me changing my perspective to see that you know what, it's all good.
So work might be crazy, you might be fighting with your significant other, you might have gained weight, you might have some questions but remember all your days were ordained by God and he's got you. Keep ya head up, it's gonna be alllll goood baby! lol
As I'm writing this I'm listening to the best song ever, check it out.
Song: Keep ya head up by Andy Grammer
Rooting for you!
Has life been crazy? Are you questioning yourself? Take a deep breath and exhale because it's all gonna be okay. We only have one life to live so don't let things get you down and don't get caught up in the craziness that is life sometimes.
Psalm 139:16 is posted up on my wall and it reminds me that even when I feel like I'm out of place or I'm wondering what about this or that it reminds me that Jesus knows what he's doing, he ordained all the days of my life. He is in control and he wrote an amazing story for my life and for yours. Pastor Earl said an amazing quote recently that said, God is always good, his plans are always good, His final word is always good, so if right now it's not good, it's not God's final word. I recieve that.
Everyday is such a great adventure. Yes I have my days when it feels like nothing is going right but it only takes me changing my perspective to see that you know what, it's all good.
So work might be crazy, you might be fighting with your significant other, you might have gained weight, you might have some questions but remember all your days were ordained by God and he's got you. Keep ya head up, it's gonna be alllll goood baby! lol
As I'm writing this I'm listening to the best song ever, check it out.
Song: Keep ya head up by Andy Grammer
Rooting for you!
Friday, March 4, 2011

Imagine a ship out on the open water, raging full speed ahead towards its destination. Waves parting as the ship races with power and strength through the water. The wind soaring through and around the ship as it picks up speed.
Now imagine another ship just drifting along the ocean, being tossed back and forth by the waves but not really moving in any particular direction. It's not headed towards any specific location but instead just being carried wherever the waves take it.
My life currently looks more like the second ship than the first. I have my routines of what my day to day looks like. Work, home, workout, hang with friends, hang with family, sleep, go to church wed and Sunday then do the same things all over again the next week. I do the same things almost every week trying new things here and there but not really pushing towards a goal or a destination.
My boss told me a great quote the other day, he said:
"There is no growth in the comfort zone, and there is no comfort in the growth zone."
My life right now is comfortable. I haven't read a book in the last few months, I haven't devoured the word of God and really allowed it to open my eyes and my heart to more of Jesus in a while...basically I have been doing just enough to get by. I have been faithful in going to church, writing notes, taking my bible, praying daily but not really growing in my understanding of Jesus.
In my health, yes I have incorporated working out into my daily life for about 4 weeks now, I have made major improvements in my eating habits. But if I'm honest I have gotten comfortable in the amount of effort I put forth in my exercise routines. Initially that amount of effort was great but now 4 weeks later I need to push myself harder.
If you aren't pushing forward towards a goal, if you aren't growing, if you aren't stretching beyond what you have already achieved you will become comfortable. Year after year can go by without any change if we stay stagnant. Tonight, I sat down with a friend of mine and we wrote out some goals for the next month, for the next quarter and for the next year. We first focused on what were three main things that I wanted to achieve this year: I want to grow spiritually, I want to be more physically fit and I want to make a difference in my community. Then we took those 3 goals and broke them down into more bite size things that I could do each month that would help me to accomplish those goals. For example, once a month minimum I will try a new type of exercise past my usual workout. That could be doing a salsa class, kayaking, taking a hike, swimming, etc. With the main focus being incorporating something new in my workout routine and building upon that every month. And then I did the same for my other 2 goals.
It's so easy to be carried by the current, to stop rowing, stop growing spiritually, stop learning, stop pushing yourself. Today make the decision to pick up the oars again and start rowing. Initially it's hard to start picking up speed when you're starting from zero speed but once you get going it's that much easier to pick up more and more speed. And before you know it the waves will be parting for you instead of tossing you back and forth in the same spot.
Rooting for you!
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