Imagine a ship out on the open water, raging full speed ahead towards its destination. Waves parting as the ship races with power and strength through the water. The wind soaring through and around the ship as it picks up speed.
Now imagine another ship just drifting along the ocean, being tossed back and forth by the waves but not really moving in any particular direction. It's not headed towards any specific location but instead just being carried wherever the waves take it.
My life currently looks more like the second ship than the first. I have my routines of what my day to day looks like. Work, home, workout, hang with friends, hang with family, sleep, go to church wed and Sunday then do the same things all over again the next week. I do the same things almost every week trying new things here and there but not really pushing towards a goal or a destination.
My boss told me a great quote the other day, he said:
"There is no growth in the comfort zone, and there is no comfort in the growth zone."
My life right now is comfortable. I haven't read a book in the last few months, I haven't devoured the word of God and really allowed it to open my eyes and my heart to more of Jesus in a while...basically I have been doing just enough to get by. I have been faithful in going to church, writing notes, taking my bible, praying daily but not really growing in my understanding of Jesus.
In my health, yes I have incorporated working out into my daily life for about 4 weeks now, I have made major improvements in my eating habits. But if I'm honest I have gotten comfortable in the amount of effort I put forth in my exercise routines. Initially that amount of effort was great but now 4 weeks later I need to push myself harder.
If you aren't pushing forward towards a goal, if you aren't growing, if you aren't stretching beyond what you have already achieved you will become comfortable. Year after year can go by without any change if we stay stagnant. Tonight, I sat down with a friend of mine and we wrote out some goals for the next month, for the next quarter and for the next year. We first focused on what were three main things that I wanted to achieve this year: I want to grow spiritually, I want to be more physically fit and I want to make a difference in my community. Then we took those 3 goals and broke them down into more bite size things that I could do each month that would help me to accomplish those goals. For example, once a month minimum I will try a new type of exercise past my usual workout. That could be doing a salsa class, kayaking, taking a hike, swimming, etc. With the main focus being incorporating something new in my workout routine and building upon that every month. And then I did the same for my other 2 goals.
It's so easy to be carried by the current, to stop rowing, stop growing spiritually, stop learning, stop pushing yourself. Today make the decision to pick up the oars again and start rowing. Initially it's hard to start picking up speed when you're starting from zero speed but once you get going it's that much easier to pick up more and more speed. And before you know it the waves will be parting for you instead of tossing you back and forth in the same spot.
Rooting for you!
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