Wednesday, March 16, 2011


A few days ago I was at lunch with a very dear friend of mine and I asked him a question, I said what would make you the happiest man in the world right now? And he said, you know what, for so long I ran around thinking I was invincible and that I could do whatever I wanted. I thought, I could be this unattached guy who lived life moment by moment, I could be this fun bachelor for life. Yet on the flip side of that be very selfish and take those around me for granted. But after going through some stuff he realized that what matters most to him and what would make him happy is to have that person in his life that would be his partner for life, that would enjoy the good and the bad in life alongside him. He talked about how much more he treasured those around him, his friends, his family.

Just a day before that I had been driving in my car and had overheard a radio announcer talking about relationships and how our desire to be in relationship with others is something that we are born with, it's not something that is taught. The radio announcer mentioned a study that had been done recently, where they had taken a baby that was 45 minutes old, hadn't even been born an hour and they had a person come up close to the baby and stick their tounge out at the baby. The baby then without hesitation mimicked the person and stuck his tounge out back. That immediate response from the baby backed up the study's conclusion that we as humans have a desire to be in relation with one another, we crave community.

Unfortunately though for many, they have the same mentality as my friend did. I know I did for a period in my life. We as humans need others, we need community, we need relationships in our lives. God made us the way he did for a reason. I am so incredibly indebted to the amazing circle of friends and family that I have. After going through some of the stuff I've gone through and seeing how much they have always had my back, and loved me through the good and the bad I know that I wouldn't be who I am without them.

We all need eachother. Take a look around you, stop everything you're doing and truly love them. Don't take them for granted. Yes it can sound so appealing at times to be the lone ranger, or to distance yourself away from people just enough to not get hurt but that's not a healthy way to live. Put the computer away, put the phone down, turn off the iPod and go love on those who God has blessed you with.

"Friends always show their love. What are brothers for if not to share troubles?"- Proverbs 17:17

Rooting for you!


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