"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6
This scripture is written in such a precise way. Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, not some of it, not half way but with all of your heart. Submit to him, give up the reigns, give up control, and submit to God and his way. Then when all this has been done he will make your paths straight, he will lead you to the exact place where you are supposed to be.
Wow. Sounds simple enough, yet so hard to live out. There has been something weighing on my heart lately, something that I have no control over, something that I need to just trust God on, completely trust him and submit to him. And I'm not gonna lie, that is hard. The saying God, I trust you, that's easy but the living it out each day. It's the small decisions everyday to not give in to my emotions, not make an impulse decision but let God lead my life, yield to his timing to his plan and to ultimately trust that he knows the desire of my heart, he knows what would make me the happiest girl in the world and he knows how to make it happen.
Faith means to trust even when your scared, I think especially when your scared. If I'm honest I am scared, scared to be vulnerable, but that's what it means to trust with ALL YOUR HEART. God, I trust you with all my heart. I am open, I am done running, I am here and I'm willing. God, I trust you and I take a step each day in the path you have for me that will lead me exactly to where I'm supposed to be. That will lead me to my forever.
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Michelle Nicole
Hello Michelle, You have a very nice blog here. You may also appreciate the many testimonies of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at http://wetestifyofchrist.blogspot.com. God bless.