Society has 2 descriptors for most people, single or in a relationship. It comes up in conversations, it's a status on Facebook, there's websites where their sole purpose is to get you from single to in a relationship. Society likes to use labels. But your identity, who you are is not described by single or in a relationship. Single is mindset that insinuates that the person must have a void that needs to be filled. Like the person is not whole or something.
However, have you noticed that in the bible God uses so many words to describe you and I as his sons and daughters yet single is not a word he uses. He calls us chosen, loved, valued, conquerors,treasured,etc. Yet He never calls us single. Why? Because the word single was never created to be a part of your identity.
Single implies the you are alone or that you have to do things on your own. And that is not true. Jesus died so that we could be in relationship with Him.
So many of us, myself included have gone along with what society says and felt like you were less than because you were "single". God is with you always, He never leaves you nor forsakes you. He is the creator of relationships, He created you and I to be in relationship with Him because He loves us.
Society says you are single until you get in a relationship however you are just you, exactly the way God made you and that flows out of your relationship with Christ and your future spouse is the same. You're not going about doing life alone and then bam now you're in a relationship and all of a sudden now your not alone. No, Jesus is always will be with you and when you do come into relationship with your spouse here on earth it's not two empty people with a void that are now together. It's two people that are living out their lives in relationship with the Father and now they're doing that side by side together.
Who you are is never and will never be defined as single. You are chosen, loved, treasured, valued, called, courageous, able, victorious. You are called this and so much more by the lover of your soul, Jesus. Remove the old mindset and embrace what God has to say about you.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
This morning during worship I heard God whisper something into my spirit. He said I want you to share your testimony with your uncle, I didn't save you for you to now be quiet. My uncle has been going through some difficult situations lately and he needed to know that God is real and that He is more than able to turn around all circumstances no matter how bad they may seem. When we share our testimony with others it glorifies God. Yes there is a risk that that person will view you differently but more importantly it displays the love, compassion and redemptive power of God. So as I heard this whisper in my spirit, I just answered, okay God then give me the opportunity.
My testimony isn't pretty, it isn't easy, it isn't comfortable for others to hear but it's my love story of how my savior saved me from a pit of darkness and filth. For someone who knows the Michelle that I am now they could never imagine that my testimony actually happened, that I was once that girl. They just can't ever seem to fathom it. But that gives even more glory to the mighty power of my God. It shows that no matter how bad you think you've messed up God can turn it all around.
After service we were in the car and I was praying in my heart, "God give me an opportunity to say my testimony and take control of my words." And so I started....
Uncle, there's some things that I've gone through in my life that you have no idea about. My senior year of high school I had a lot of anger and rebellion in my heart and I got involved in drugs and alcohol. Then in December of my senior year of high school I got pregnant and had an abortion. And to cope with the pain and the shame I felt for what I had done I started doing cocaine to numb the pain, to numb my emotions and to forget about what I had done. I was addicted to cocaine for 6 months of my life. I hated my life. I would get drunk and just cry because I felt so much guilt for killing my child. I was in a deep depression. But God stepped into my world and he healed my hurts, he changed my heart, he gave me renewed hope and he restored me completely from the inside out. The Michelle that was in that pit of despair was set free. I am not that girl anymore, yes I made a mistake but God showed me that I didn't have to stay there. He saved me and showed me that my life could be made new. And now I'm able to talk to others who are in that deep pit and show them that God can save them, that He can turn their situation around. Your mistakes don't define you. You past doesn't have to be your future. God can change you, He can change the circumstances, He can save you.
For me saying all of this wasn't an easy task. To my uncle I am his pride and joy, he has always placed me on a pedestal, he has always thought highly of me. So telling this news to him was devastating but at the same time it needed to be done. In that moment God became very real to Him. It showed him that God isn't just someone that we read about in a bible like a story of someone who once was, no, it showed him that God is real and able to save people and turn their lives around even now.
Revelation 12:11 They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
There will be opportunities in life where you sharing your testimony might cost you something, it might cost you your reputation, it might make others think differently of you but the risk is always worth it because where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. People don't need you to look perfect, to act perfect, to talk perfect, no, they need you to be real, they need you to step into the darkness where they are and say you know what I've been here before and this is the way that I made it out. They need you to be willing to be vulnerable and meet them where they are. They need to see that our God isn't a God who hates them and thinks their dirty rotten sinners but that He is a God who will step into their pit and lift them out.
He didn't save me and He didn't save you for you to be quiet. Who in your world is hurting and needs to hear your love story of how God saved you?
I pray that God would give you the opportunity to speak your testimony to someone who needs to hear it today.
Rooting for you always,
My testimony isn't pretty, it isn't easy, it isn't comfortable for others to hear but it's my love story of how my savior saved me from a pit of darkness and filth. For someone who knows the Michelle that I am now they could never imagine that my testimony actually happened, that I was once that girl. They just can't ever seem to fathom it. But that gives even more glory to the mighty power of my God. It shows that no matter how bad you think you've messed up God can turn it all around.
After service we were in the car and I was praying in my heart, "God give me an opportunity to say my testimony and take control of my words." And so I started....
Uncle, there's some things that I've gone through in my life that you have no idea about. My senior year of high school I had a lot of anger and rebellion in my heart and I got involved in drugs and alcohol. Then in December of my senior year of high school I got pregnant and had an abortion. And to cope with the pain and the shame I felt for what I had done I started doing cocaine to numb the pain, to numb my emotions and to forget about what I had done. I was addicted to cocaine for 6 months of my life. I hated my life. I would get drunk and just cry because I felt so much guilt for killing my child. I was in a deep depression. But God stepped into my world and he healed my hurts, he changed my heart, he gave me renewed hope and he restored me completely from the inside out. The Michelle that was in that pit of despair was set free. I am not that girl anymore, yes I made a mistake but God showed me that I didn't have to stay there. He saved me and showed me that my life could be made new. And now I'm able to talk to others who are in that deep pit and show them that God can save them, that He can turn their situation around. Your mistakes don't define you. You past doesn't have to be your future. God can change you, He can change the circumstances, He can save you.
For me saying all of this wasn't an easy task. To my uncle I am his pride and joy, he has always placed me on a pedestal, he has always thought highly of me. So telling this news to him was devastating but at the same time it needed to be done. In that moment God became very real to Him. It showed him that God isn't just someone that we read about in a bible like a story of someone who once was, no, it showed him that God is real and able to save people and turn their lives around even now.
Revelation 12:11 They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
There will be opportunities in life where you sharing your testimony might cost you something, it might cost you your reputation, it might make others think differently of you but the risk is always worth it because where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. People don't need you to look perfect, to act perfect, to talk perfect, no, they need you to be real, they need you to step into the darkness where they are and say you know what I've been here before and this is the way that I made it out. They need you to be willing to be vulnerable and meet them where they are. They need to see that our God isn't a God who hates them and thinks their dirty rotten sinners but that He is a God who will step into their pit and lift them out.
He didn't save me and He didn't save you for you to be quiet. Who in your world is hurting and needs to hear your love story of how God saved you?
I pray that God would give you the opportunity to speak your testimony to someone who needs to hear it today.
Rooting for you always,
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
You are valuable. You have destiny inside of you. You are called of God. You are chosen by God. You will have an impact in this world. You are not forgotten. You are not disregarded. You are not what the world says about you.
I have a large chalkboard in my room and every week I write an encouraging note to myself according to what I feel God is speaking to my heart. This week I wrote really big, "You are Valuable". And everyday it has been a constant reminder that no matter how I may feel about my life currently, I am valuable.
A few years ago when I was involved in youth ministry I used to always remind my youth girls that the enemy only attacks those things which are of value. If he is constantly trying to get you down and trying to get you to give up on your dreams and tell you you're never gonna make it it's because he knows that God is going to use that area of your life for His glory otherwise he wouldn't mess with you. For me I have a constant struggle with 2 things which in our society kind of go hand in hand, marriage and value or self-worth. The enemy constantly tries to convince me that I'm never going to get married, that I'm going to be alone forever, that I'm a loser, that I'm not going to ever amount to anything. No lie it's a constant battle but I have to remember what God has said about me.
"For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
I know that God hasn't forgotten about me. I know that God has an incredible plan for my life and for my marriage. And even if I forget it just the simple fact that the enemy tries to attack that area of my life so much should be a strong indicator that he see's the value that God has placed on my life in those areas or else he would leave me alone. We fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities.
I don't know if you're going through the same things I go through. But if these are areas where you struggle, where the enemy tries to get you down then remember these words....You Are Valuable. Cement it in your heart. Write it down where you have to see it everyday if you have to. Speak it over yourself everyday until it's so engrained in your spirit that you no longer question it.
Our value doesn't come from what society says about us, from our marital status, from our career status, from our degrees, from what your family says about you, or from what people think about you, no, it comes from what God says about you. And He says that You are Valuable.
Rooting for you always!
I have a large chalkboard in my room and every week I write an encouraging note to myself according to what I feel God is speaking to my heart. This week I wrote really big, "You are Valuable". And everyday it has been a constant reminder that no matter how I may feel about my life currently, I am valuable.
A few years ago when I was involved in youth ministry I used to always remind my youth girls that the enemy only attacks those things which are of value. If he is constantly trying to get you down and trying to get you to give up on your dreams and tell you you're never gonna make it it's because he knows that God is going to use that area of your life for His glory otherwise he wouldn't mess with you. For me I have a constant struggle with 2 things which in our society kind of go hand in hand, marriage and value or self-worth. The enemy constantly tries to convince me that I'm never going to get married, that I'm going to be alone forever, that I'm a loser, that I'm not going to ever amount to anything. No lie it's a constant battle but I have to remember what God has said about me.
"For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
I know that God hasn't forgotten about me. I know that God has an incredible plan for my life and for my marriage. And even if I forget it just the simple fact that the enemy tries to attack that area of my life so much should be a strong indicator that he see's the value that God has placed on my life in those areas or else he would leave me alone. We fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities.
I don't know if you're going through the same things I go through. But if these are areas where you struggle, where the enemy tries to get you down then remember these words....You Are Valuable. Cement it in your heart. Write it down where you have to see it everyday if you have to. Speak it over yourself everyday until it's so engrained in your spirit that you no longer question it.
Our value doesn't come from what society says about us, from our marital status, from our career status, from our degrees, from what your family says about you, or from what people think about you, no, it comes from what God says about you. And He says that You are Valuable.
Rooting for you always!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
From Pain to Gain
I have been working with a personal trainer for about 3 weeks now and I can feel myself getting stronger as the weeks go by. I can feel my core getting stronger, my abs tighter, my arms more defined but it has come by some pain. There have been times I've walked into my training sessions and my trainer has had me do kicks and punches until I thought my arms and legs would give out. But then immediately afterwards she'll have me hold the punching bag while someone else punches and kicks it and you'd think this would be a great time to rest while someone else it feeling the pain but no, holding the bag while someone uses all their force to kick or punch is hard because your body is absorbing a lot of those hits and you've gotta engage your core and muscles to deflect that force back. There's one girl in particular who punches and kicks exponentially harder than all of the other girls and usually nobody wants to hold the bag for her cause you gotta be strong to take the force of her hits but my trainer explained to us that those are the people you wanna hold the bag for cause it makes you stronger.
In life sometimes we go through "hits" that make us stronger. We go through a break-up, the loss of a dream, the loss of a family member or friend, the loss of a promotion or job, sickness/disease, etc. Life has a way of handing us hurts, pains, letdowns but at the same time its those circumstances and situations that make you stronger. God has the ability to always no matter what, turn all things around for your good. Every single situation. Yes at first it might not make any sense, especially while that pain is raw and fresh but after some time has passed we see the why behind that situation.
My really good friend Chris and I have this saying that we use all the time, "it is what it is". When something happens that is outside of our control we always say that and just let it go and move on. It has helped me to not stress about situations, to not take things personal, to see that in the end the way things turned out was most likely for my good.
I love this scripture in Micah 4:13
On your feet, Daughter of Zion! Be threshed of chaff, be refined of dross. I'm remaking you into a people invincible.
When life get's you down, when you want to wallow in self-pity think upon these words, this declaration. On your feet! God is and will always tell you to get up, shake off the pain, the rejection, the disillusionment and gain from your pain because He is making you invincible. He is using this situation to make you stronger.
Now just to clarify stronger doesn't mean you put a wall up and don't open yourself up to let life happen, it doesn't mean shutting off your emotions and making yourself numb so you don't ever get "hurt" again. To be made stronger is actually the opposite, to become humble before God and allow Him to lift you up, give you renewed hope, accept the promise that He has a greater plan for you than what you had thought initially. But don't ever shut down. You were created with a heart that has emotions, that feels things so deeply for a reason. And don't allow anger to stay in your heart.
A situation occurred in my life recently that caused my heart some hurt. I took a risk on love. And it didn't work out how I had planned. But honestly, I don't regret it at all. I gave it my all, I loved completely and wholly and if that wasn't enough then that's okay. That's the thing about risk, you can jump in to something fully and it's still a 50/50 chance. But in my risk and my pain I gained so much. It made me stronger, it showed me that I am truly living in the now, that I am capable of love, that I am willing to take risks and not live so safe that I don't live life, it taught me that God has a plan that goes beyond my wildest dreams.
Circumstances don't define you.
On your feet son or daughter of God! He is making you invincible.
Rooting for you,
In life sometimes we go through "hits" that make us stronger. We go through a break-up, the loss of a dream, the loss of a family member or friend, the loss of a promotion or job, sickness/disease, etc. Life has a way of handing us hurts, pains, letdowns but at the same time its those circumstances and situations that make you stronger. God has the ability to always no matter what, turn all things around for your good. Every single situation. Yes at first it might not make any sense, especially while that pain is raw and fresh but after some time has passed we see the why behind that situation.
My really good friend Chris and I have this saying that we use all the time, "it is what it is". When something happens that is outside of our control we always say that and just let it go and move on. It has helped me to not stress about situations, to not take things personal, to see that in the end the way things turned out was most likely for my good.
I love this scripture in Micah 4:13
On your feet, Daughter of Zion! Be threshed of chaff, be refined of dross. I'm remaking you into a people invincible.
When life get's you down, when you want to wallow in self-pity think upon these words, this declaration. On your feet! God is and will always tell you to get up, shake off the pain, the rejection, the disillusionment and gain from your pain because He is making you invincible. He is using this situation to make you stronger.
Now just to clarify stronger doesn't mean you put a wall up and don't open yourself up to let life happen, it doesn't mean shutting off your emotions and making yourself numb so you don't ever get "hurt" again. To be made stronger is actually the opposite, to become humble before God and allow Him to lift you up, give you renewed hope, accept the promise that He has a greater plan for you than what you had thought initially. But don't ever shut down. You were created with a heart that has emotions, that feels things so deeply for a reason. And don't allow anger to stay in your heart.
A situation occurred in my life recently that caused my heart some hurt. I took a risk on love. And it didn't work out how I had planned. But honestly, I don't regret it at all. I gave it my all, I loved completely and wholly and if that wasn't enough then that's okay. That's the thing about risk, you can jump in to something fully and it's still a 50/50 chance. But in my risk and my pain I gained so much. It made me stronger, it showed me that I am truly living in the now, that I am capable of love, that I am willing to take risks and not live so safe that I don't live life, it taught me that God has a plan that goes beyond my wildest dreams.
Circumstances don't define you.
On your feet son or daughter of God! He is making you invincible.
Rooting for you,
Sunday, April 3, 2011
I have a confession to make....I am not perfect. I have my shortcomings, I have flaws, I am no where near perfect. And that's okay. For the first time in my life I embrace the fact that I'm not perfect and I absolutely love my life and wouldn't have it any other way.
Perfection is defined as being complete of it's kind and without defect or blemish. Hmm sounds vaguely familiar to this scripture:
1 Peter 1:18-20 "For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last time for your sake."
He is without blemish or defect. He is perfect. I am not. But the one that is perfect lives inside of me. He has made me perfect for the calling He has on my life, He has made my words perfect for those that I will impact on this earth, He has made a perfect time for everything to come to pass in my life, He has made me perfect for my husband. But does that mean I am perfect...not at all. It's only through Him that I am made perfect.
2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
If you are struggling to be perfect, give up now. It takes a whole lot of energy to try and be perfect and I promise you it will only leave you frustrated. Today, let go of perfection and be you. Because He has made you wonderful in and of yourself, stop going against the grain of who He has made you to be, stop trying to fit into what you think is perfect or what others have conditioned you to think is perfect and just be you. I promise you once you are just yourself you will give Him freedom to be made perfect in your weakness. The word says to love others as you love yourself. But you gotta love yourself first. Accept yourself.
Now don't get me wrong, we should always be growing, learning, and being molded more and more into His image. But the key differnce is who's standard are you comparing yourself to, what standard are you striving to meet, His or yours. His or the worlds. His or your parents.
Perfection is like a prison that holds so many people captive. It holds people back. This life is too short to be caged in, too short for you to not shine, too short for you to not be effective, too short for you to live even one more minute captive.
Thank you for breaking down the thoughts that I had let become emblazoned in my heart and head that I had to be "perfect". Thank you for setting me free. Please set the person reading this free. Help them to let go of perfection and instead embrace Your perfection in their weakness. I speak peace over their mind right now in the name of Jesus, I cancel out all negative words that have been spoken over their lives that they've accepted as truth. I pray that Your truth would become their truth. That they would believe what your word says, that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. That they are the head and not the tail. They are more than conquerors. And all this because You gave Your life, without defect or blemish for us all. I love you!
Michelle Nicole
Sunday, March 27, 2011
God is still God
Josh Lopez sang this song at my church this morning and it wrecked me.
God you are God even when I don't feel you
God you are God even when I don't see you
I will worship
I will worship
I will worship
You are my God
There are dreams and desires that I haven't seen come to pass yet. There are things that I have been praying for for a long time. And if I'm honest, I get frustrated with God sometimes. I get frustrated at myself. I get frustrated at the timeline. But even though I don't see change, even though I feel like I'm standing still when I want to be moving forward, I know that God is in control.
In our darkest hour we can quit. But if I quit, then I won't see the miracle. If I stop running my race I won't ever see the finish line. If I stop praying, if I stop believing, if I turn my back on God, if I give up, if I, if I, if I then I won't see Him and His beautiful plan.
Right now I'm in that valley time in some areas of my life. I'm in that time of waiting. My heart is bursting at the thought of all my dreams coming true. And what's hardest is waiting, when you've seen the greatness of God be done in others and in your life before. God has done some incredible things in my life. He rescued me from drug and alcohol addiction, he turned my life around when I was on a road towards destruction. He's done so much in my life and I know that I know that I know that He hasn't left me now.
So even though I don't see what you're doing God, I will wait upon you. But to be honest even if my dreams and desires don't come for a while....God is still God. I will continue to worship you, I will continue to sing your praise, I will seek you, I will love you, I won't give up.
My hope, my peace, my strength come in knowing that You are in control. Jesus, I rest in you.
God you are God even when I don't feel you
God you are God even when I don't see you
I will worship
I will worship
I will worship
You are my God
There are dreams and desires that I haven't seen come to pass yet. There are things that I have been praying for for a long time. And if I'm honest, I get frustrated with God sometimes. I get frustrated at myself. I get frustrated at the timeline. But even though I don't see change, even though I feel like I'm standing still when I want to be moving forward, I know that God is in control.
In our darkest hour we can quit. But if I quit, then I won't see the miracle. If I stop running my race I won't ever see the finish line. If I stop praying, if I stop believing, if I turn my back on God, if I give up, if I, if I, if I then I won't see Him and His beautiful plan.
Right now I'm in that valley time in some areas of my life. I'm in that time of waiting. My heart is bursting at the thought of all my dreams coming true. And what's hardest is waiting, when you've seen the greatness of God be done in others and in your life before. God has done some incredible things in my life. He rescued me from drug and alcohol addiction, he turned my life around when I was on a road towards destruction. He's done so much in my life and I know that I know that I know that He hasn't left me now.
So even though I don't see what you're doing God, I will wait upon you. But to be honest even if my dreams and desires don't come for a while....God is still God. I will continue to worship you, I will continue to sing your praise, I will seek you, I will love you, I won't give up.
My hope, my peace, my strength come in knowing that You are in control. Jesus, I rest in you.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A few days ago I was at lunch with a very dear friend of mine and I asked him a question, I said what would make you the happiest man in the world right now? And he said, you know what, for so long I ran around thinking I was invincible and that I could do whatever I wanted. I thought, I could be this unattached guy who lived life moment by moment, I could be this fun bachelor for life. Yet on the flip side of that be very selfish and take those around me for granted. But after going through some stuff he realized that what matters most to him and what would make him happy is to have that person in his life that would be his partner for life, that would enjoy the good and the bad in life alongside him. He talked about how much more he treasured those around him, his friends, his family.
Just a day before that I had been driving in my car and had overheard a radio announcer talking about relationships and how our desire to be in relationship with others is something that we are born with, it's not something that is taught. The radio announcer mentioned a study that had been done recently, where they had taken a baby that was 45 minutes old, hadn't even been born an hour and they had a person come up close to the baby and stick their tounge out at the baby. The baby then without hesitation mimicked the person and stuck his tounge out back. That immediate response from the baby backed up the study's conclusion that we as humans have a desire to be in relation with one another, we crave community.
Unfortunately though for many, they have the same mentality as my friend did. I know I did for a period in my life. We as humans need others, we need community, we need relationships in our lives. God made us the way he did for a reason. I am so incredibly indebted to the amazing circle of friends and family that I have. After going through some of the stuff I've gone through and seeing how much they have always had my back, and loved me through the good and the bad I know that I wouldn't be who I am without them.
We all need eachother. Take a look around you, stop everything you're doing and truly love them. Don't take them for granted. Yes it can sound so appealing at times to be the lone ranger, or to distance yourself away from people just enough to not get hurt but that's not a healthy way to live. Put the computer away, put the phone down, turn off the iPod and go love on those who God has blessed you with.
"Friends always show their love. What are brothers for if not to share troubles?"- Proverbs 17:17
Rooting for you!
Just a day before that I had been driving in my car and had overheard a radio announcer talking about relationships and how our desire to be in relationship with others is something that we are born with, it's not something that is taught. The radio announcer mentioned a study that had been done recently, where they had taken a baby that was 45 minutes old, hadn't even been born an hour and they had a person come up close to the baby and stick their tounge out at the baby. The baby then without hesitation mimicked the person and stuck his tounge out back. That immediate response from the baby backed up the study's conclusion that we as humans have a desire to be in relation with one another, we crave community.
Unfortunately though for many, they have the same mentality as my friend did. I know I did for a period in my life. We as humans need others, we need community, we need relationships in our lives. God made us the way he did for a reason. I am so incredibly indebted to the amazing circle of friends and family that I have. After going through some of the stuff I've gone through and seeing how much they have always had my back, and loved me through the good and the bad I know that I wouldn't be who I am without them.
We all need eachother. Take a look around you, stop everything you're doing and truly love them. Don't take them for granted. Yes it can sound so appealing at times to be the lone ranger, or to distance yourself away from people just enough to not get hurt but that's not a healthy way to live. Put the computer away, put the phone down, turn off the iPod and go love on those who God has blessed you with.
"Friends always show their love. What are brothers for if not to share troubles?"- Proverbs 17:17
Rooting for you!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Keep ya head up
"all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:16
Has life been crazy? Are you questioning yourself? Take a deep breath and exhale because it's all gonna be okay. We only have one life to live so don't let things get you down and don't get caught up in the craziness that is life sometimes.
Psalm 139:16 is posted up on my wall and it reminds me that even when I feel like I'm out of place or I'm wondering what about this or that it reminds me that Jesus knows what he's doing, he ordained all the days of my life. He is in control and he wrote an amazing story for my life and for yours. Pastor Earl said an amazing quote recently that said, God is always good, his plans are always good, His final word is always good, so if right now it's not good, it's not God's final word. I recieve that.
Everyday is such a great adventure. Yes I have my days when it feels like nothing is going right but it only takes me changing my perspective to see that you know what, it's all good.
So work might be crazy, you might be fighting with your significant other, you might have gained weight, you might have some questions but remember all your days were ordained by God and he's got you. Keep ya head up, it's gonna be alllll goood baby! lol
As I'm writing this I'm listening to the best song ever, check it out.
Song: Keep ya head up by Andy Grammer
Rooting for you!
Has life been crazy? Are you questioning yourself? Take a deep breath and exhale because it's all gonna be okay. We only have one life to live so don't let things get you down and don't get caught up in the craziness that is life sometimes.
Psalm 139:16 is posted up on my wall and it reminds me that even when I feel like I'm out of place or I'm wondering what about this or that it reminds me that Jesus knows what he's doing, he ordained all the days of my life. He is in control and he wrote an amazing story for my life and for yours. Pastor Earl said an amazing quote recently that said, God is always good, his plans are always good, His final word is always good, so if right now it's not good, it's not God's final word. I recieve that.
Everyday is such a great adventure. Yes I have my days when it feels like nothing is going right but it only takes me changing my perspective to see that you know what, it's all good.
So work might be crazy, you might be fighting with your significant other, you might have gained weight, you might have some questions but remember all your days were ordained by God and he's got you. Keep ya head up, it's gonna be alllll goood baby! lol
As I'm writing this I'm listening to the best song ever, check it out.
Song: Keep ya head up by Andy Grammer
Rooting for you!
Friday, March 4, 2011

Imagine a ship out on the open water, raging full speed ahead towards its destination. Waves parting as the ship races with power and strength through the water. The wind soaring through and around the ship as it picks up speed.
Now imagine another ship just drifting along the ocean, being tossed back and forth by the waves but not really moving in any particular direction. It's not headed towards any specific location but instead just being carried wherever the waves take it.
My life currently looks more like the second ship than the first. I have my routines of what my day to day looks like. Work, home, workout, hang with friends, hang with family, sleep, go to church wed and Sunday then do the same things all over again the next week. I do the same things almost every week trying new things here and there but not really pushing towards a goal or a destination.
My boss told me a great quote the other day, he said:
"There is no growth in the comfort zone, and there is no comfort in the growth zone."
My life right now is comfortable. I haven't read a book in the last few months, I haven't devoured the word of God and really allowed it to open my eyes and my heart to more of Jesus in a while...basically I have been doing just enough to get by. I have been faithful in going to church, writing notes, taking my bible, praying daily but not really growing in my understanding of Jesus.
In my health, yes I have incorporated working out into my daily life for about 4 weeks now, I have made major improvements in my eating habits. But if I'm honest I have gotten comfortable in the amount of effort I put forth in my exercise routines. Initially that amount of effort was great but now 4 weeks later I need to push myself harder.
If you aren't pushing forward towards a goal, if you aren't growing, if you aren't stretching beyond what you have already achieved you will become comfortable. Year after year can go by without any change if we stay stagnant. Tonight, I sat down with a friend of mine and we wrote out some goals for the next month, for the next quarter and for the next year. We first focused on what were three main things that I wanted to achieve this year: I want to grow spiritually, I want to be more physically fit and I want to make a difference in my community. Then we took those 3 goals and broke them down into more bite size things that I could do each month that would help me to accomplish those goals. For example, once a month minimum I will try a new type of exercise past my usual workout. That could be doing a salsa class, kayaking, taking a hike, swimming, etc. With the main focus being incorporating something new in my workout routine and building upon that every month. And then I did the same for my other 2 goals.
It's so easy to be carried by the current, to stop rowing, stop growing spiritually, stop learning, stop pushing yourself. Today make the decision to pick up the oars again and start rowing. Initially it's hard to start picking up speed when you're starting from zero speed but once you get going it's that much easier to pick up more and more speed. And before you know it the waves will be parting for you instead of tossing you back and forth in the same spot.
Rooting for you!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
A few weeks ago my pastor spoke about expectations and their ability to set us up for disaster. He was referring to the holidays and how we can sometimes put these extremely high expectations on our family and friends to make sure the holidays go perfectly to plan. And you know what, people are people and things happen and sometimes, most times those high expectations aren't met and that has the ability to put you in a tailspin of emotions if you're not careful. For example you decide you're going to cook Christmas dinner at your house and invite all the family over. You let everyone know what time to show up even though you know your sister and her husband always run late but you think, okay I told them what time to arrive they better be here. And like always they arrive late and that sends you over the edge, you think ugh they always do this, they're so rude, now the food is cold, they're so day is ruined. When honestly if you had removed that expectation and thought, today no matter what time everyone arrives, I am blessed to have food to prepare for my family, I am thankful to have a family to spend my holidays with, and if anyone arrives later that's okay they can pull up a seat and join in on the laughter and love shared over our holiday meal.
You have the ability to control your emotions and your expectations far before a situation occurs, so why not set yourself up for success. I remember hearing that sermon and thinking wow, I can apply this to so many various areas of my life, in my friendships, in my dating relationships, etc.
If I had to describe myself I would say that I'm a rare combination of laid-back yet have some type A traits, like wanting to control things and make sure they come out perfect. And wanna know when things turn out perfect, when I'm laid-back and let things happen on their own instead of trying to control everything to the minute detail. In hindsight it's that controlling side that has probably ruined lots of past relationships.
In the area of relationships, I always have this mindset that it's going to be picture perfect and I set up these extremely high expectations yet since the other person doesn't know this they inevitably fail to meet those expectations and unfortunately the relationship ends without me even giving it a chance. It's true what they say, hindsight is truly 20/20. If I could go back in time, there's so much I would do differently but more importantly there's so many changes I will now make moving forward.
This past weekend, my best friend Stacy came in to town to visit me and help me re-decorate my entire room. Initially I had made a plan in my head, okay we're first going to paint, then stencil, then move around the furniture, then go shopping for additional pieces if necessary, etc. I had this long list of to do's and had allotted time for each project in my head so we could make the most of the 24hours we had. Well a few days before she arrived she let me know that she needed to make a small change to the schedule that was going to take up about 5 hours of our time total. Initially, I was freaking out cause I was thinking oh my gosh how are we going to have enough time to do everything. And in the midst of my panic I remembered Pastor Rob's sermon and thought you know what, you can either sit here and freak out or you can think you know what, my best friend who lives in another state is here to spend the weekend with me, everything will work itself out, just take each moment for what it is and enjoy it to the fullest, enjoy laughing and spending time with your friend, the room make-over can be completed any day of the week but your friend is only in town for this weekend. Changing my expectation from everything on my to-do list having to be completed to just enjoy your weekend with your best friend and treasure each moment made a HUGE difference. We had a fantastic weekend and I'm so thankful that it wasn't ruined by my initial desire to want to place unnecessary high expectations.
Life is meant to be lived day by day, moment by moment. Remove those unrealistic expectations and instead expect to be surprised by the small treasures that will be revealed in each moment of everyday.
You have the ability to control your emotions and your expectations far before a situation occurs, so why not set yourself up for success. I remember hearing that sermon and thinking wow, I can apply this to so many various areas of my life, in my friendships, in my dating relationships, etc.
If I had to describe myself I would say that I'm a rare combination of laid-back yet have some type A traits, like wanting to control things and make sure they come out perfect. And wanna know when things turn out perfect, when I'm laid-back and let things happen on their own instead of trying to control everything to the minute detail. In hindsight it's that controlling side that has probably ruined lots of past relationships.
In the area of relationships, I always have this mindset that it's going to be picture perfect and I set up these extremely high expectations yet since the other person doesn't know this they inevitably fail to meet those expectations and unfortunately the relationship ends without me even giving it a chance. It's true what they say, hindsight is truly 20/20. If I could go back in time, there's so much I would do differently but more importantly there's so many changes I will now make moving forward.
This past weekend, my best friend Stacy came in to town to visit me and help me re-decorate my entire room. Initially I had made a plan in my head, okay we're first going to paint, then stencil, then move around the furniture, then go shopping for additional pieces if necessary, etc. I had this long list of to do's and had allotted time for each project in my head so we could make the most of the 24hours we had. Well a few days before she arrived she let me know that she needed to make a small change to the schedule that was going to take up about 5 hours of our time total. Initially, I was freaking out cause I was thinking oh my gosh how are we going to have enough time to do everything. And in the midst of my panic I remembered Pastor Rob's sermon and thought you know what, you can either sit here and freak out or you can think you know what, my best friend who lives in another state is here to spend the weekend with me, everything will work itself out, just take each moment for what it is and enjoy it to the fullest, enjoy laughing and spending time with your friend, the room make-over can be completed any day of the week but your friend is only in town for this weekend. Changing my expectation from everything on my to-do list having to be completed to just enjoy your weekend with your best friend and treasure each moment made a HUGE difference. We had a fantastic weekend and I'm so thankful that it wasn't ruined by my initial desire to want to place unnecessary high expectations.
Life is meant to be lived day by day, moment by moment. Remove those unrealistic expectations and instead expect to be surprised by the small treasures that will be revealed in each moment of everyday.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6
This scripture is written in such a precise way. Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, not some of it, not half way but with all of your heart. Submit to him, give up the reigns, give up control, and submit to God and his way. Then when all this has been done he will make your paths straight, he will lead you to the exact place where you are supposed to be.
Wow. Sounds simple enough, yet so hard to live out. There has been something weighing on my heart lately, something that I have no control over, something that I need to just trust God on, completely trust him and submit to him. And I'm not gonna lie, that is hard. The saying God, I trust you, that's easy but the living it out each day. It's the small decisions everyday to not give in to my emotions, not make an impulse decision but let God lead my life, yield to his timing to his plan and to ultimately trust that he knows the desire of my heart, he knows what would make me the happiest girl in the world and he knows how to make it happen.
Faith means to trust even when your scared, I think especially when your scared. If I'm honest I am scared, scared to be vulnerable, but that's what it means to trust with ALL YOUR HEART. God, I trust you with all my heart. I am open, I am done running, I am here and I'm willing. God, I trust you and I take a step each day in the path you have for me that will lead me exactly to where I'm supposed to be. That will lead me to my forever.
Te adoro.
Michelle Nicole
Monday, January 24, 2011
My Race

Have you ever felt like you weren't living to your full potential? My heart has been wrecked for a while with this feeling. God, my heart beats for something bigger than this. Tonight I watched a movie that stirred my heart once again for something more, I watched Secretariat. It's a movie about a woman and her horse who had heart, who pushed through difficult circumstances to make history.
God, what is my race? What is the cause that's bigger than me that I was made to fight for? I am not okay with the status quo. I am not okay with living like everyone else. I am not okay with living SAFE. Not when my heart breaks the way it does for something bigger. I was made to change history, not because of who I am but because of who you made me to be. Because of who You are.
As I type this with tears streaming down my cheeks, my heart aches to know what I'm missing out on. There is a yearning in my heart for something bigger yet I don't know what it is. There's people who know their call from a young age, who fulfill their dreams they were destined to fulfill early in life, God, what is mine?
Do you know what it feels like to have your heart break for something and you don't even know what it's breaking for?
Psalm 139: 13-16
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
God, creator of the universe, maker of heaven and earth, you formed me, you know me. Show me the way I should go. Open my eyes to your plans. Show me what my heart aches for. Release me to live the days that were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Michelle Nicole
Thursday, January 20, 2011
SHINE - 5 Minute Blog

I'm giving myself 5 minutes to write this blog....and GO!
Tonight I went to a Mercy Me concert and there was a song that stated these lyrics, and when coupled with how my week has been it was the perfect lyric. It's from their song This Life and the lyric says: This life was meant to shine.
That's it. You're probably thinking um okay there's nothing that spectacular about that. But for me it was a reminder.
Lately, if I'm honest I have been acting and talking more like the world. I haven't been "shining" Jesus. And my life was meant to Shine for Jesus. I should be impacting the world, I should be changing the world, I should be the light in the darkness. Yet lately it had been quite the opposite. The world had beat me up and had turned out my light.
Yet tonight, these lyrics were an abrupt reminder that, wait a second, Michelle, your life was meant to shine.
And in that moment, the light inside of me was turned back on.
My life was meant to SHINE.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Strength is given for service, not to convey status - Romans 15:2
What if we knew that our strength was to serve the weak, fearful, or timid? - Lisa Bevere, from the book Lioness Arising
Within you, within me there is a leader. God has called us to live to our full potential, to be leaders but our society has somewhat distorted what leadership means. Leadership isn't telling other people what to do, it isn't about using your power to hold others down, it's about drawing the gifts, talents and abilities out of people, helping them, serving them to reach their greatest potential. It's more about others than it is about you. It's about honoring those who God has entrusted you to.
Don't imagine us leaders to be something we are not. We are servants of Christ, not his masters. We are guides into God's most sublime secrets, not security guards posted to protect them. - 1 Corinthians 4:1-2
I have hopes, I have dreams of one day having a leadership school. Of raising up a generation to be His hands, His feet. But how do I get from here to there? What has God put in my hands now to do? How can you?
1. Be Humble - This opportunity to lead is not because of anything that you have done, it has nothing to do with you and your abilities but everything to do with God. He has entrusted you with His precious son or daughter, for you to be an extension of Him. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding - Proverbs 3:5
There have been times when I have got stuck on this part. Where I have thought, God this is too much, I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to lead. I have my own issues, how am I going to lead someone else? Only to then remember, I haven't been given this opportunity because of my amazing skills but because God wants to reach those whom He has entrusted to me. And it's in those times when I have said, God I don't know how to do this but I yield to you, my life is not my own, give me the words to say, use me, not my will but yours be done that He has been most glorified.
2. Show Honor - Respect, cover, shield, protect. These are all words that show honor. As a leader you are to draw out those things in people that they are too afraid to show. You might meet someone who has aspirations to be a public speaker and when you meet them they might be the shyest person you've ever met. Or maybe they talk in circles, or maybe they stutter due to a lack of confidence. As a leader, my role wouldn't be to mock him or her, or to tear them down, or speak lack into their life but to draw out those gift and talents within them. To encourage, to speak faith and confidence, to be there when that person wants feedback, to listen, to be their cheerleader. Everyone is fighting some sort of battle, as a leader your role is to shield just as much as you encourage. Don't ever speak ill of someone behind their back. Be someone who is trustworthy, who doesn't slander others weakness'.
3. Serve - Serving can mean a plethora of things, it can mean being reliable, being consistent, anticipating the needs of someone else, making a way for others, opening the door, equipping, mentoring, etc. It's doing all you can to lighten the burden for someone else. Meeting their needs without them even having to ask for it.
There have been times in the past when I have been serving at my church and my role has been to anticipate the needs of my pastor. Is this the 4th message he has preached today? He's probably tired, let me make sure that everything runs smoothly so he doesn't have to worry about sound, or lighting, or anything that way all he has to do is focus on delivering his message. His throat is probably dry, let me make sure he has water on the stage. As soon as he comes off the stage, let me have all his stuff gathered that way he doesn't have to worry about it. When you serve others, it's thinking about the other person more than yourself, it's anticipating their needs, it's doing everything you can to make sure they succeed.
4. Listen - Listen not only with your ears but with your heart. It's knowing the difference in their demeanor, noticing when someone looks frazzled or stressed even though if you ask them how they're doing they might say, "I'm doing great". With my best friends I know when something is wrong, usually without them even having to say anything. It's those moments when God puts someone on your heart and you pick up the phone and call them or text them to see how they're doing.
I remember when I used to do youth ministry, I would listen to my girls pour their hearts out about this issue or that issue. But at the same time I would be having an inner dialogue with God, asking Him what's the deeper issue here, what's really going on. It's asking those questions that make the person dig further to get at the root of the issue.
5. Love - Steps 1-4 are all actions that can become draining, can become a chore to do and can wear on your nerves if you don't have love. Without love, this is honestly all useless. There's that quote that says, people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
"....serve one another humbly in love." - Galatians 5:13
But when you have love for those around you, it becomes so much easier to honor, serve and listen to them. I didn't say it's easy but it is easier. Be genuine in your words and actions. Be faithful.
6. Pray - Pray for your friends, for your co-workers, for your students, for you family, for the Starbucks barista that remembers your drink order before you order it, and pray for yourself. You have been given this opportunity because God wants to see all His creation set free and living their life to the fullest and He is going to start that ripple effect through you.
There have been too many times in my life when I have held back, where I have been to afraid to stand up and be the leader He has called me to be because I was afraid to fail. But I know it's not about me, and it's surely not about my abilities, but it's about doing all I can do and then allowing Him to make up for the difference to help others live their life to the fullest!
God help me to be a better leader, to be humble, to show honor, to serve, to love genuinely and to pray faithfully.
Your lives aren't small, but you are living them in a small up your lives. Live openly and expansively! - 2 Corinthians 6:11-13
What if we knew that our strength was to serve the weak, fearful, or timid? - Lisa Bevere, from the book Lioness Arising
Within you, within me there is a leader. God has called us to live to our full potential, to be leaders but our society has somewhat distorted what leadership means. Leadership isn't telling other people what to do, it isn't about using your power to hold others down, it's about drawing the gifts, talents and abilities out of people, helping them, serving them to reach their greatest potential. It's more about others than it is about you. It's about honoring those who God has entrusted you to.
Don't imagine us leaders to be something we are not. We are servants of Christ, not his masters. We are guides into God's most sublime secrets, not security guards posted to protect them. - 1 Corinthians 4:1-2
I have hopes, I have dreams of one day having a leadership school. Of raising up a generation to be His hands, His feet. But how do I get from here to there? What has God put in my hands now to do? How can you?
1. Be Humble - This opportunity to lead is not because of anything that you have done, it has nothing to do with you and your abilities but everything to do with God. He has entrusted you with His precious son or daughter, for you to be an extension of Him. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding - Proverbs 3:5
There have been times when I have got stuck on this part. Where I have thought, God this is too much, I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to lead. I have my own issues, how am I going to lead someone else? Only to then remember, I haven't been given this opportunity because of my amazing skills but because God wants to reach those whom He has entrusted to me. And it's in those times when I have said, God I don't know how to do this but I yield to you, my life is not my own, give me the words to say, use me, not my will but yours be done that He has been most glorified.
2. Show Honor - Respect, cover, shield, protect. These are all words that show honor. As a leader you are to draw out those things in people that they are too afraid to show. You might meet someone who has aspirations to be a public speaker and when you meet them they might be the shyest person you've ever met. Or maybe they talk in circles, or maybe they stutter due to a lack of confidence. As a leader, my role wouldn't be to mock him or her, or to tear them down, or speak lack into their life but to draw out those gift and talents within them. To encourage, to speak faith and confidence, to be there when that person wants feedback, to listen, to be their cheerleader. Everyone is fighting some sort of battle, as a leader your role is to shield just as much as you encourage. Don't ever speak ill of someone behind their back. Be someone who is trustworthy, who doesn't slander others weakness'.
3. Serve - Serving can mean a plethora of things, it can mean being reliable, being consistent, anticipating the needs of someone else, making a way for others, opening the door, equipping, mentoring, etc. It's doing all you can to lighten the burden for someone else. Meeting their needs without them even having to ask for it.
There have been times in the past when I have been serving at my church and my role has been to anticipate the needs of my pastor. Is this the 4th message he has preached today? He's probably tired, let me make sure that everything runs smoothly so he doesn't have to worry about sound, or lighting, or anything that way all he has to do is focus on delivering his message. His throat is probably dry, let me make sure he has water on the stage. As soon as he comes off the stage, let me have all his stuff gathered that way he doesn't have to worry about it. When you serve others, it's thinking about the other person more than yourself, it's anticipating their needs, it's doing everything you can to make sure they succeed.
4. Listen - Listen not only with your ears but with your heart. It's knowing the difference in their demeanor, noticing when someone looks frazzled or stressed even though if you ask them how they're doing they might say, "I'm doing great". With my best friends I know when something is wrong, usually without them even having to say anything. It's those moments when God puts someone on your heart and you pick up the phone and call them or text them to see how they're doing.
I remember when I used to do youth ministry, I would listen to my girls pour their hearts out about this issue or that issue. But at the same time I would be having an inner dialogue with God, asking Him what's the deeper issue here, what's really going on. It's asking those questions that make the person dig further to get at the root of the issue.
5. Love - Steps 1-4 are all actions that can become draining, can become a chore to do and can wear on your nerves if you don't have love. Without love, this is honestly all useless. There's that quote that says, people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
"....serve one another humbly in love." - Galatians 5:13
But when you have love for those around you, it becomes so much easier to honor, serve and listen to them. I didn't say it's easy but it is easier. Be genuine in your words and actions. Be faithful.
6. Pray - Pray for your friends, for your co-workers, for your students, for you family, for the Starbucks barista that remembers your drink order before you order it, and pray for yourself. You have been given this opportunity because God wants to see all His creation set free and living their life to the fullest and He is going to start that ripple effect through you.
There have been too many times in my life when I have held back, where I have been to afraid to stand up and be the leader He has called me to be because I was afraid to fail. But I know it's not about me, and it's surely not about my abilities, but it's about doing all I can do and then allowing Him to make up for the difference to help others live their life to the fullest!
God help me to be a better leader, to be humble, to show honor, to serve, to love genuinely and to pray faithfully.
Your lives aren't small, but you are living them in a small up your lives. Live openly and expansively! - 2 Corinthians 6:11-13
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