Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pointed Prayer

In early July, I was laying in bed one night talking to God about my future husband. Asking him, what's he gonna be like, where is he, what's he doing right now, does he think of me? And at the same time praying for him and feeling somewhat guilty that I didn't pray for him more often. I thought, God, please help me to be more consistent in praying for me husband. But I knew that wouldn't be enough. I knew that my daily prayer would probably go a little something like this, Lord, be with my husband today, give him strength for the day and bless him. Amen. Just being honest but I know myself. So I asked God to give me a topic for everyday of the week that I could pray for my husband about, and He gave me one for everyday of the week. Monday's I pray for his friendships, Tuesday's health, Wednesday's job and finances, Thursday's his leadership ability and being submitted to God, Friday's his relationship with God, Saturday's his family and our future family together, Sunday's protection from temptation, protection of his heart, mind and body and I speak words of faith over our future marriage. But that still wasn't enough. I needed accountability to make sure I didn't forget not one single day. So, I called my bestfriend Stacy and told her about my commitment to pray daily for my husband and that everyday I would text her after I was done praying for him that way she could keep me accountable. And not only did she agree but she decided she wanted to pray with me, because where 2 or more are gathered, there in the midst of them is God, so she decided that every time I texted her she would pray for him too and her husband as well. Absolutely precious!!! It has now been 2 months since we started praying for our husbands daily and I know that God is not only doing something in our future husbands but He's doing amazing things in our lives.

Prayer changes things, it aligns your vision with what God wants. God has been so faithful in these last two months to give me direct prayers to pray everyday concerning the topics of prayer for my husband. And I now will definitely know when God reveals my husband to me. Why, because it will be a direct reflection of the prayers that I have prayed. I have prayed that my husband be a man that is submitted to God, that He be a man that is lead by God, that He be a world changer, that his heart would be sensitive to the heart of God, that His family would be sold out to God, that His money would be God's money, that He would be surrounded by friends that would pour into him, that they would pray for him, that they would keep him accountable and guide him in the right direction. When you begin to pray these kind of prayers, you get a vision of what God has in store for your life and at the same time it makes it exponentially difficult for the enemy to bring a counterfeit into your life.

A few weeks ago, I was at the mall and this guy approached me and started chatting me up. Asking me what I like to do for fun, where I was from, what I did for a living, etc. Basically he was trying to let me know that he was interested in getting to know me better and after about 30 minutes of interrogating me (seriously) he asked me if I would like to go out sometime. Well in that 30 minutes I told him I went to church and asked him if he did and he said, um yeah I have gone a couple times but my schedule is crazy so I don't really go too often. And in that moment I very quickly confirmed in my head that yeah this wasn't the man I had been praying for. My husband isn't going to have a haphazard relationship with God, he is going to be a man on fire for God, someone who is running 100 miles after God. The enemy is sneaky though because on paper this guy wasn't bad but when aligned with the prayers I have prayed and the things God has confirmed in relation to my future husband this guy fell way short.

Prayer gives you a vision. And like the bible says, where there is no vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). We have to have a vision for our future. Whether that is a vision for your future mate, your future job, your future home, your future (you fill in the blank). Without a vision for your spouse, the enemy will bring you junk, he will bring you a fake, he will bring you heartbreak. But with God's vision you will see through that. I'm sure this man in the mall was a great person, but he was not the man for me. Had I not been praying for my husband for a month before that, I could have got myself wrapped up in a relationship that God never intended for me. I could have got distracted but my God loves me so much that He placed it on my heart a month ahead to pray for my husband. And he loves my future husband so much that he protected my heart, his future wife's heart from someone else.

If you're single, take this and make it your own. Ask God to give you specific prayers to pray for your future spouse, get someone to keep you accountable and wait for God to bring that amazing spouse into your life. Because I know that my God is faithful. He has great plans for my life and yours. I pray you are blessed and encouraged.


Michelle Nicole.

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