Monday, June 14, 2010


His word says He is the same yesterday, today and forever. That He is faithful, that He has good plans for those who love Him. But He also warns us that in this world we will have trouble, but not to worry because He has overcome the world. His word also reminds us that when hard times come we are to stand, stand firm in fact, stand on His promises, stand on His character, stand on what His word says. Just because bad things happen it doesn't mean that He isn't on the throne, that He can't turn things around, that He isn't who He says He is.

God is God regardless of whatever obstacles come in my life. God is still God when I hurt. God is still God when the plans that I thought would happen don't happen. God is still God when the doctor says you have cancer, God is still God when your parents decide to divorce, God is still God when your best friend stabs you in the back, God is still God when you lose your job, God is still God when your baby dies upon birth from complications, God is still God when the man of your dreams moves on to another. God is still God no matter what the storm is, no matter how it looks, God is still God.

Today I found out some news that normally would have rocked me to the core, would have devastated me but in that moment when all sorts of thoughts were swirling in my head I heard this...I am still God no matter the circumstance. And I received so much comfort from that because it's true. He is in control of my life and His plans are always better than mine and no matter how it looks now He is more than able to turn things around.

So while in the past I would have been a mess, I probably would have gotten drunk to numb the pain, I rested in my God, the God who loves me beyond measure, the God who never lets me go, the God who gives me peace that surpasses all understanding, the God who not only comforts me but empowers me to actually be joyful in this moment. I am not shaken, this situation doesn't have control over me, I am still the same girl I was this morning before I found out the news, I am still the daughter of the King of Kings, I am still completely and wholly His.

Things happen. Life happens. But if you trust in Him above all, those things which were meant to hurt you, to destroy you will leave you unshaken.


1 comment:

  1. i'm encouraged hearing how you've anchored yourself in Him. He is our peace in the storm, yet i usually still find myself thrashing about in the waves. learning, slowly...
