Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A picture is worth a thousand words

At any given moment if you were to take a snapshot of my life currently, as it is now, it would be a representation of a culmination of things. The person I am now is made up of a lot of life experiences. It's made up of the wisdom I have learned from life. Wisdom defined is what is learned through costly experience. I have had a lot of costly experiences in my life but they all have shaped me and formed me into who I am now. At the women's conference Holly Wagner talked about the movie Karate Kid, the old one not the new remixed one lol But in the old one Mr. Miagi taught daniel son how to do karate by means of some creative tasks. For example wax on, wax off, the motion of rubbing wax onto a car, then painting up and down a fence for hours, basically at the time daniel son was getting so fed up because here he thought he was going to be taught Karate yet to the naked eye it looked like all he was having him do was chores. But then at the right moment Mr. Miagi threw a couple moves towards daniel and surprisingly he was prepared and able to block the moves. Why? Because in doing all the "chores", Mr. Miagi had taught him the basic moves of Karate. The same goes in life, the experiences we face are all pieces that God uses to prepare us for things that will come our way in life, whether they be good or bad.

If you're around me for like two seconds you will realize I love to laugh, and I laugh loud. But that laugh is full of so much joy and was birthed out of a lot of years of silence, a lot of years of being the shy kid that now even though at times I may like to be quiet I actually love love love to laugh. There are so many times at work when my co-workers will pop in and just make me laugh so hard that I swear the entire company can hear me but I love it. This joy that I have is something that God has given me. He has brought so much beauty from the ashes that once were my life.

Then there's this patience that He has blessed me with. I haven't always been patient, believe me but during various season of waiting whether it be for a job, a loved one to get saved, a new car, an answer to prayer or for my husband, He has taught me the power of patience. And it's funny because in my career dealing with all sorts of employee relations I have to have patience and it now comes very natural for me but it's all stemmed from life experiences.

Wisdom, the what not to do's of life, wow, all I can say is I have definitely learned a lot about wisdom from making some very poor choices. I now know how not to live your teenage life, how not to waste your time, how not to have a christian relationship, how not to treat my friends, how not to lessen pain with substances, how not to dress (this goes way back to my funky high school days hahaha) and so on. But even with all those crazy experiences it has only taught me how to do life better and it has given me so much insight to share with others that might be walking down some of the same paths that I once walked down.

And then there is this relationship which connects all the pieces relationship with my saviour. And that happened through a lot of prayer by my prayer warrior mama, by a divine appointment and an incredible revelation of His love for me. It's this love that has turned my whole world around.

He has ordained all the days of my life and He has written my story out beyond the point I am at now. But honestly in the grand scheme of things my life isn't only about the here and now, here on earth, it's about so much more, it's about the eternal. The story of my life on earth is only a small piece of the bigger picture.

And that grand picture, the one that I have yet to see completely, now that picture is worth so much more than a thousand words.

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