Monday, August 2, 2010

It's a heart issue

Faith is believing with your heart and not your mind. Our mind always will try and rationalize things but our heart doesn't know rationalization, it only knows what it feels. Have there ever been times in your life where you've thought, "I know this sounds crazy but I feel in my heart that God wants me to do this or do that", but really if you think about it with your mind only it sounds absolutely absurd. That's because faith comes from the heart. Faith means believing deep down inside your heart even if with your eyes you don't see it yet. It's when you have faith that God will provide financially even though your bank statement says your bank account is in the negative. It's when you have faith that God has healed you even though the doctor says otherwise, it's when you believe God has a great spouse for you while you are going through a rough season of single hood. Faith never makes sense outside of God, but with God faith makes all the difference.

This past week I went to a Spanish conference called Avivanos and it was mind-blowing. And I say that because although they didn't teach on anything I didn't already know about, they didn't show me some new scripture I hadn't already seen, it did cause a mind shift in regards to my faith. God's word is infallible, it is without void, it is and will always be true.

Luke 11:9-10 "Ask and you shall receive....for everyone who ask receives."

Galatians 6:7 "Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."

Luke 1:37 "For nothing is impossible with God."

Like you probably, I had read these scriptures a million times, I had heard them preached over and over in my time as a Christian but I had never really taken them to heart until last week. Normally my prayer would go a little something like this:

"Jesus, I ask that you would please save my dad. Please don't let him ever die without knowing you." and then next week I would pray it again. "Please Lord save my dad, protect him, don't let him leave this earth without knowing you." Now while those prayers aren't bad they were a little bit contradictory to my supposed faith. Why did I feel like I had to plead with God? Why did I feel the need to beg him over and over and over? Because when my natural eyes wouldn't see the response I wanted I would assume he hadn't heard me and that I needed to beg him some more. And that is just plain incorrect.

But if I look at those scriptures, that are infallible and realize that His word does not lie, so if He says ask and you shall receive then if I ask God to save my dad then regardless of whether I see a change with my natural eyes or not, I trust that God has heard my prayer and that I have received my request because a.) I am His daughter and b.) His word says so. My prayer life has change dramatically and my faith has increased exponentially just by this revelation alone. I now come before God and make my requests known, I thank Him for it and wait for my natural eyes to see what has already been granted in the supernatural.

The same thing with reaping and sowing. What we sow is always going to be what He uses for us to reap from. If I sow x amount of money into an anti-human trafficking organization like then it doesn't matter how much money I invest I know that I will reap a harvest because it is going towards providing justice and setting the captives free. And since that money is going towards God's plan to save this earth then I know that there's another scripture that says you can't out give God, so I know that He will in turn bless me more to be a greater blessing towards his Kingdom. His word says it so that means it will happen.

Since I received this revelation my prayer life has been completely changed. And my faith has increased beyond what I could have ever expected. Another scripture to grab a hold of is Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for your declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." He has great plans for your future and do you know when your future is? It's the next second from now, it tomorrow, it next week, it's next month. He has great plans for you, your future is not full of gloom and doom it is full of greatness. Tomorrow will be a great day! Tonight I will have great sleep because it's in my future in the next hour!

When you take these scriptures that we've all heard and truly believe them with your heart, you will never pray the same way again and you will never live your life the same way again. His word is the bread of life, consume it, devour it and keep your eyes open because it will always always always come true. God is not a man that he should lie.




  1. I truly appreciate your posts, your post titled Free, I have read several times since you posted. See I have been in a long season of waiting on God, almost a year. Over and over faith (from my heart) has kept me from despair (which is where my mind takes me).
    Thank you, your posts encourage me.

  2. God is faithful. I know during the trial it is hard to be patient and wait on Him but like the bible says, "Those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." His word is so good and so true. He has great plans for your life, keep on believing and keep on holding on and before you know it, you will see with your eyes the great work that God is doing in your life.
